Rawr | Wildcat x Copycat

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"...and now, the one and only, Wildcat!" The judge shouted in his microphone and pointed at the cat standing on top of the ramp on his motorcycle. Wildcat was ready to perform the stunt he trained for weeks. He would have been able to do it sooner if he didn't get in the way while the Paw Patrol were against a particular cat, known as Copycat. Wildcat was in the bus that Copycat had taken to fly to the sky. After that incident, he couldn't even move, because he was sick from the heights and lack of oxygen.

But he still thought about the cat. Was he even bad? Did he want just something? Could he be less adorable?

Wildcat snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the siren indicating to get ready. He jumped on his seat, started the engine, and focused. As soon as the siren went off, he slid down the ramp at high speed and zoomed around the course in no time. 

As he was arriving at the finish line, he spotted something shiny under the seats which caught his eye. As he looked there, he only saw someone, with a gold tooth. He didn't have time to look because he was so fast. 

"And that was Wildcat!" The judge shouted again, almost breaking Wildcat's eardrums. He wanted to leave and go to the thing he saw, but it was impossible as everyone wanted a picture. So he gave up. I swear I saw a cat there...

Copycat was running back to his owner's truck, so she wouldn't suspect anything. He was really successful in hiding his powers from the others. No one knew HE was the one who was the Copycat.

But he was depressed. A depressed little cat, that almost unintentionally killed the one he had his eye on. He didn't know about Wildcat being on the bus as he lifted it up. If he knew, he would have at least waited for him to get to the safety. Nonetheless, he hurt him and cursed himself for it from that day. But today he finally got at least a smile when he saw him happily riding his motorcycle down the steep ramp, knowing that he is back on his paws.

"Mr. Nibblessssss!" He heard Hailey calling his name. He quickly laid down, pretending to be asleep.

"Adam Nibbles, if you don't wake up now, you won't get your food," Hailey said, also calling him by his real name. He yawned and stretched his legs as he got up. He saw his owner pouring down the food that was for him. He just meowed and walked to the bowl as Hailey closed the van and went somewhere else.

As he finished, he opened the van and looked around. He quietly jumped down and walked towards the pier. He wanted to just walk and relax.

As soon as he got his paws on the beach, he heard a loud roar from an engine. He quickly hid behind the umbrella that fell down and peeked out to see who was it. It was Wildcat, jumping off his motorcycle and taking the same path as him. Oh no, what do I do? I can't talk to him, I would stutter!

As Wildcat walked on the sand, he smelled a familiar scent. Was Copycat here? He looked around and saw a small fur under an umbrella. Well, he isn't good at hiding for sure. He walked towards the umbrella and jokingly knocked on it. He then slowly lifted it up only to reveal Copycat laying down, pretending to be asleep.

"Hey, buddy, wake up." Wildcat carefully shook him so he would wake up. Nothing. "Come on, wake uppp." 

Still nothing. He then went over to the other side, brushing his tail on Copycat's nose. This made him sneeze and wake up from the fake sleeping.

"Oh, h-hey W-Wildcat." Copycat stuttered. Wildcat saw that he was nervous, but didn't know about what.

"Hi, Copycat. How are you doing?" Wildcat asked, sitting down and waving his tail around.

"G-Good." He said, trying to not face Wildcat. "I-I'm s-sorry f-for what I-I d-did to y-you." He apologized to the tabby sitting in front of him. 

Wildcat was shocked, hearing him apologize. This proves that he isn't bad like others. He just wants something. But what do I say when he asks me ho-

"H-How d-did y-you know I-I'm Copycat?" There it goes. Do I say the truth? He looked at Copycat, as he saw sadness in his eyes.

"To be fair, I saw you without the mask and kinda spied on you," Wildcat said, making circles with his paw in the sand. 

"Y-You d-did?" "Yeah, sorry." He apologized as Copycat smiled. He stretched out his paw and clearly had enough of his nickname.

"Adam." Wildcat looked at him in disbelief, not knowing what or why he said that.

"What?" "Adam. My name. I don't like that nickname everyone calls me." He explained. Wildcat took his paw and shook it and smiled. 

"Well, Adam. Can I ask you something?" Wildcat asked the cat in front of him. He saw that he was slightly smaller than him, but didn't care. All he cared is that he could talk to him and got to know him. He nodded in agreement at Wildcat's question.

"Why do you do this? I know that it isn't you when you are causing mayhem. I want to help you get over your evilness." He said, earning wide eyes from Adam.

"Attention. I was jealous when the Paw Patrol had more attention from Hailey than I did. I wanted to prove that I am better than them. And hurting you wasn't in the plan. It never was." He said, looking into Wildcat's eyes. He was lost in them, seeing the joy in his eyes.

But for Wildcat, he felt he had a chance, after what he said.

"Oh, well, we can talk to her if you want." "N-No. She doesn't know that I can talk. And other things as well." "She doesn't?" Wildcat asked, confused. What? He did never talk?

"Yeah, watch." He said as reached for the gold tooth and pulled it out. As he pulled it out, Wildcat looked at him in disbelief. Copycat wasn't Copycat without the tooth, he was an ordinary cat. Adam just smiled and went to put the tooth back in, only to struggle.

"Here, let me help you," Wildcat said, moving closer to him as Adam relaxed and allowed him to put the tooth in. He succeeded but fell down onto him.

They both looked into each other's eyes as their noses touched. They both were blushing and enjoying the moment. Wildcat couldn't keep it inside him and kissed him. Adam was at first shocked, but also kissed him. After a while, they broke it and Adam looked away in nervousness.

"I-I." "I love you, Adam." Wildcat interrupted him as Adam looked back at him.

"I love you too." He said to the tabby and hugged him, feeling safe and happy. He was with the one he always dreamed about and never thought he would be with him.

"And Adam?" He hummed in response as he faced Wildcat. "I don't care about the others. If they don't accept that we are together, I don't care. No one could break us apart." He said and Adam smiled.

"I love you my cute tabby."

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