Boom, together (pt.-1) | Marshall x Everest

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A few days ago...

After the few 'incidents' in Adventure Bay, caused by Humdinger, the most exhausted pup of the Paw Patrol, was surprisingly Everest. Since he caused chaos up on the mountain, she was leading the team to help the lost skiers and hikers get back to the town, or at least to somewhere, where wasn't snow.

As the day was coming to an end, the husky was totally out of energy, and when they arrived back at the lookout to put away the items needed, she fell asleep right when she jumped out of her truck. Literally, on the pavement.

As the others already walking back inside to eat their dinner, Marshall noticed the husky fast asleep on the ground. It surprised him because he knew she loved her bed and would do anything to sleep on it, not on the ground.

Why are you soooo pretty??? He looked at her, as he carefully nudged her with his nose, wanting her to wake up. Unable to wake her up, he thought of something else. Taking off her pup pack, he also tried to take off her suit, which he failed at. So he just lifted her up and carefully moved her the few meters into her pup house and laid her down.

As he walked out, he was greeted by Ryder, with his arms crossed, which slightly scared Marshall. He quickly closed with one of his hind legs the door on Everest's pup house.

"What were you doing there?" He asked the dalmatian as he was unsure what to say. 

"I-I just put her there, n-nothing else." "You know what I said about dating." Ryder snapped as Marshall blushed, hearing the last word. He was nowhere near to even knowing that she could like him more than a friend like he does. 

"W-We aren't-" "So what? You expect me to believe you when you tried to undress her?" He said to the pup. Marshall was confused about what was he saying.

"I didn-" "I saw it. Tomorrow, Jake will come and pick her up, and from now on, you are prohibited to be close to her or even communicate. Understood?" He said in a serious tone, to which Marshall just nodded, knowing arguing will just make things worse.

He walked into his pup house and cried himself to sleep. Knowing he wasn't allowed to be near Everest hurt him too much, that he already wanted to kill himself.

Meanwhile, in the late night, Everest woke up, due to her throat being dry. She stretched herself and rubbed her sleepy eyes as she walked out, remembering that she had fallen asleep on the asphalt, not in her pup house, but was happy that she woke up there. 

As she walked inside the lookout, she saw Marshall, laying on one of the bean bags, and probably asleep. The dally laid in her eye since they met, but she never took any chance she had to tell him that. 

"Hey, Marsh!" She quietly said, as she got closer to him, to just talk to him. As soon as she came closer, Marshall got up and ran away. 

In a brief second, as she looked at him, she felt like time slowed down. Seeing him looking at her, she saw tears rolling down his face. He wasn't the happy pup they all know now. 

"Marsh..." She quickly said as the time went back to normal, and saw the dally run outside. Did I do something wrong? Did I interrupt him in something? Multiple thoughts were in her head, one stranger than another one.

She let out a small tear and walked out of the lookout, not bothering with the water. As soon as she walked out, she saw Marshall hurryingly running to her. But when she tried to run too, she was quickly picked up and put in a cage, and saw Marshall on the ground, having a dart in his hind leg.

Oh, Marshall...

As she woke after fainting in the cage, she saw herself sprawled out on a mattress, with a dimmed light in the room.

"Good morning cutie." She heard a voice next to her, which was disgusting to her. Lifting her head up, because she couldn't feel her legs, she also felt why. She saw white liquid flowing out of her, and a gray dog in front of her.

"What did you do to me?" "Some call it rape, I call it a pleasure. Come on, who else would fuck you?" He said, smirking.

"Y-You w-what?" She screamed out, crying in the process because she was aware of the heat that she was in. However, she didn't know for how long she could be in one.

"Yeah, why not? Thanks to my friend Humdinger. He gets the pups, I got you, and that's enough for me." He said, laughing. "Oh, and if you get pregnant, don't even try to find me, I'll disappear."

"You are a monster! If my fri-" "Who? Your friends? It's still night, no one knows what happened." He said, going around her.

"And if you are talking about your 'boyfriend', well, he's asleep on the grass out there. Maybe even dead."

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER! WHAT DID YOU SAY?" She screamed out, as he slapped her right on the muzzle.

"You'll be quiet. And it's not just that. We have many variants of outcomes prepared digitally, so if anyone comes and rescues you, they'll see themselves on the cameras. No one will know that we did it. Easy." He said, grabbing a baseball bat.

"Why? Why do you do this?" Everest said, spitting out blood from a broken tooth.

"Simple, I can." He said and hitting her with the bat. "Like I can do this."

She screamed in pain as he continued hitting her till she fainted.

Waking up, she immediately vomited everything out. When she finished emptying her stomach, she heard a relieving sigh from someone. Turning around, she saw Marshall and they were both in the room.

"Marsh!" She said and hugged him tightly. But was surprised when Marshall, one of the most affectionate pups she knew, didn't hug her back.

"Everest, please." He said, pushing her from him. Everest was slightly surprised.

"Marsh-" "The others will be here soon. Your wounds are washed and sterilized, so no infection can get through them. You have an ice pack in between your legs down so it won't hurt. And try to eat slowly." He explained things that Everest didn't even care about. She wanted to know why Marshall was like this.

"SHUT UP! Marshall, what's wrong?" "I am alright Everest." He coldly said, which gained suspicion in her.

"Marshy-" "MARSHALL!!!" They both heard screams. Turning around, they saw the Paw Patrol running to them.

"MARSHALL! YOU RAPED EVEREST?" Ryder screamed, picking him up by his collar. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU BEFORE YOU WENT TO SLEEP?"

"I didn-" "LIAR! I SAW IT ON THE CAMS THAT ARE HERE! YOU DISGUSTING FUCKER!" He screamed again and threw him to the ground. He just hissed in pain, not caring anymore. "AND WHAT YOU DID TO EVEREST!" He kicked him and left him, grabbing still slightly paralyzed Everest in his hands and bringing her into the Paw Patroller.

I know that this should've been written before the first part, but, whatever...

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