When will we be free? | Coral x Moby

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Moby was swimming along the Pup1 highway (basically a road for all animals living in Puplantis), just trying to relax for a bit. He was sleeping the whole day, and in all words, he needed to move.

He took one turn to reach the castle, which was surrounded by the whole Paw Patrol team, looking for something. He just swam around the place, watching them to see what were they up to. It was surprising to him that they were there, but he didn't care about that, he just wanted to see what are they looking for.

He sat down on a nearby tower, his squid friend McSquiddly following him shortly. Soon, some of the pups looked toward him. He immediately knew that this would be a red sign for him, despite he was doing literally nothing.

The few that saw him swam towards their leader, probably to tell him. Soon, all of them were looking toward him, and they were swimming toward him in mere moments.

What? What happened? He questioned himself as he kept sitting there. But that was a mistake.

He saw a net floating toward him and suddenly he was trapped. The net trapped his fin, making him unable to move. The team swam to him, looking as if they hit the jackpot.

"Hey!" Moby shouted, trying to get out from the net. "Let me go!"

"Give up, you are not going anywhere," Ryder said. "Take him to the castle."

And he was done, being transported to the castle, in a net, not knowing for what reason he was captured.

Moby just let them take him to the castle, looking behind as McSquiddly followed him shortly, having some kind of sad face. Soon after he was in front of the entrance to the castle.

"We got Moby," Ryder said, as the doors opened and they swam into the castle. 

"Can I ask why did you take me?" Moby asked, feeling like he was some kind of prisoner. He got no response.

Ahh great, just great. And I have other things planned. Moby thought. He wasn't aware of them already inside and putting Moby in some kind of cage. He was in "jail"; a cage in one of the halls, surrounded by nothing but darkness.

"As soon as you say the truth, we will let you go. But until then, you will stay here, for that kind of immoral action." Chase told him and swam away. Moby still didn't know why was he locked up.

If Coral was here... Moby thought as he sat down.

Coral wasn't in Puplantis these days. She went to the ground, to visit someplace, making her gone for a few days already. He missed her, but every day, while being already Merpup for years, she sends him a bubble bark, and Moby does the same.

Did Coral use it to make them capture me? Did something happen to her? Moby thought still, as McSquiddly found his way to Moby, and laid next to him, giving him some kind of comfort.

The next day

Coral was walking back and forth while standing on the shore of Barkingburg. She waited, and waited, but a response from Moby never came. She was scared. She didn't even want to go back on the road until she gets a reply. 

"Come on Moby." She said, scared that something bad hadn't happened to him.

"You've been standing here awfully long, something happened?" A voice asked behind her. "The train is already delayed."

"Yeah, just a moment," Coral replied, and sat down.

"You are lucky that I am the queen here." The pup sat beside her. "You think something happened?"

"Yes. But I know he is alright. He must be." Coral told her. "You think we should call them, Sweetie?"

"That would reveal that you are here, and you didn't want them to know," Sweetie said.

"Yes, because they would ask where, how, why, and so on, and I just feel I don't have to tell them," Coral said, looking back at the ocean. "I didn't even tell Moby where I'm going."

"But he knows you are alright," Sweetie told her. "Now let's go, so you can be back to him today."

Coral nodded, and they both walked back to the train station, where the train was ready to go. Coral quickly hugged Sweetie, hopped onto the train, and the train departed towards  Adventure Bay.


"Wake up." Moby heard. He opened his eyes, just to see Ryder, and next to him was Skye.

"Are you ready to either stay here or get out?" He said. Moby only rubbed his eyes.

"Where is Coral?" Skye screamed at him, making Moby slightly move back.

"She went somewhere," Moby said.

"Don't lie! You didn't like her!" Skye screamed. "You wanted her to be gone, where is she???"

But what she said was far from the truth.

"So you'll tell me where she is, or either I'll let you FUCKING DIE!!!" She screamed and slammed the bars.

"Ryder! Coral is here!" They heard from Ryder's pup pad. 

"What? Get her he-" "Where ar-Moby!" Coral swam towards the three. "How did you get here?"

Coral opened the cage and quickly hugged Moby. Moby finally felt relieved when she hugged him.

"It isn't you to just randomly get locked yourself in," Coral said. 

"I didn't," Moby said and pointed with his paw at Ryder. Coral turned around and looked him dead in the eyes.

"You locked up Moby?" Coral asked angrily.

"But we couldn't find you, and he was the only one who would do that." "You think so?" Coral asked, and turned around. "Moby, would you kidnap your girlfriend?"

"Never, even if you weren't mine," Moby said, as Coral looked around. The two were surprised to hear that.

"Now get back on the ground." Coral sternly said. "You screwed up very much."

The two nodded and swam away, scared of Coral. Despite looking calm and pretty, she could make someone scared of her.

"So, where was my girlfriend?" "I was meeting up with Sweetie," Coral said. "But I think next time I'll go somewhere I'm taking you together." 

Moby hugged her and kissed her forehead while being glad she was back.

"And I will have a talk with them. They can't do this to you." Coral said. "I can't have my mate locked up every time I go somewhere."

Hmmm...these two...will they have a pup?

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