Popular | Zuma x Gasket

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The famous chocolate labrador was laying down on the beach, after an exhausting mission in the ocean. Although he was trained for these things, being the only pup that was needed in the water, it still drained him.

He was laying down on his towel, under an umbrella, and trying to fall asleep. But, being the most adorable and popular rescue pup, he was unable, due to some pups running to him.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S ZUMA!" He heard one of the girls shouting as the group ran to him. It was a golden retriever, with a german shepherd, Shiba-Inu, and another labrador next to her. He looked at them, with sleepy eyes.

"Yes?" "CAN WE TAKE PICTURES WITH YOU?" The golden retriever shouted as Zuma put his paws on his ears.

"You don't need to shout, dudette." Zuma calmly said to the hyperactive retriever. "And I am twying to slee-"

"But, can we take a picture with you?" The shepherd said and moved closer to him. They all moved closer to him and started shouting at Zuma, who couldn't hear a thing.

He tried to say something to them but they weren't listening, or rather there was no chance they could listen. His ears were almost bleeding, but then he saw hope.

His favorite husky was walking by the shore, possibly trying to cool down. Zuma found a perfect spot to escape them and jumped from his spot. He ran towards her and jumped behind her.

"Hey Zum-" She said but saw the lab crouching next to her. She was confused at what he was doing but then she heard someone running toward them. She looked behind and faced the four girl pups as they reached her.

"May I hel-" "Where is Zumy?" The retriever asked Gasket. 

"Who?" "Zumy, the prettiest pup in the world!" The Shiba-Inu said, moving closer to Gasket. Just then, she spotted the brown paws behind the husky. "Why are you hiding him?"

"I-I'm not!" Gasket said, getting nervous. 

"You think Zumy would see something in you?" Shepherd said. Gasket slightly blushed. 

"Nah, look. She is ugly, probably never had a bath." The retriever added, joining her friend. Gasket slightly smiled.

"Look, I don't care if Zuma likes me or not." She said, which gained Zuma's attention. "But I am still his friend, so I'll help him whenever he needs it." 

"Empty words b*tch. Who could be friends with you? You look like a stray!" The labrador said, laughing.

"I was a stray. But then thanks to Zuma I found a home, and I am not smelly when I have the scent of the most premium shampoo in the world." Gasket proudly said, earning confused looks from the others. "And just for your knowledge, Zuma isn't interested in any of you for sure, so get. the. f*ck. away. from. him." She raised her voice as the others ran away, scared of the husky.

Zuma heard the four running away, so he got up from his spot. 

"T-Thanks." He said to Gasket who smiled.

"You deserved it. I've seen how many girls attack you day by day." Gasket said.

"Y-Yeah. Everyone wants to take a pictuwe with me, or go on a date with me." He sighed, lowering his head. "And then they'll just use me because I am the 'famous watew wescue pup'."

Gasket felt bad for Zuma. She loved the lab, and seeing him so sad and helpless now, gave her flashbacks to her past before she was adopted. She friendly nuzzled him as he finally smiled.

"Zuma, you need to do something with it. Look, I'll help you whenever you need it, but, maybe if you found someone, they would stop coming after you. I am not pressuring you to find anyone, but maybe it will resolve some problems." She said, rubbing his shoulder. He nodded and smiled. "And maybe you won't be that sad."

"You awe wight Gasket. I could twy." He responded. She smiled and nodded, and walked away from him. She was glad that Zuma was feeling better, but inside, she was hurt by herself. The words she wanted to say never came out of her mouth. She sighed and made her way towards her home.

*Bzzzzz* *Bzzzzz*

"Gasket, could you answer it?" Katie shouted from the kitchen at her pup, who was laying on the couch. Gasket got up, stretched her legs, and jumped down, making her way towards the door. She opened them and gasped at what she saw.

In them stood Zuma, with a small rose in his mouth, smiling. She was confused about what Zuma wanted, so she got out and closed the door behind her.

"Something happened Zuma?" She asked confused. Zuma then moved to her and placed the rose on her paws.

"Nothing bad." He simply said and smiled. Gasket looked down at the rose and back at Zuma.

"You made me wealize that I should in fact look fow someone. And my fwiends told me to twy someone who I like." He said, trying to smile at the husky. Gasket didn't get why he gave her a rose still.

"So, who have you tried?" She asked, as he just pointed at the rose, which lay on her paws.

"The most loving and cawing pup I know, the pwettiest pup I met. I just feel something towawds you, that fowces me evewy time I see you, to just go to you and cuddle with you. I know that I have little to nothing in the chance of getting youw heawt, but let me at least twy. Gasket, will you be mine?" He finished and nervously smiled. Gasket was in shock and probably close to having a heart attack. 

"I know that I have a poow selection of wowds." He added. Gasket snapped back to reality and smiled.

"I-I. I don't know what to say." She said and moved closer to him. "But I know what to do."

She said and kissed him. Zuma was caught off guard as she kissed him and he was frozen. She pulled out and smiled at the frozen lab in front of her. He snapped out of the thoughts.

"S-So?" "It's a yes, silly." She giggled and nuzzled his nose with her.

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