Cheating, or not? | Rocky x Everest

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Rocky was a simple pup. He liked creating new inventions, both helpful and for fun. Having access to different kinds of technology while working with his owner was something that pushed him to try more and more things. 

When Sweetie came into their family, she warmly shared her plans for things with Rocky and prototype plans for 'nanotech'. He tried doing stuff with it for some time, but it ended. Apart from this, he was happy.

To top it off would be to make him smile. At least once.

His heart shattered to pieces when he found out the pup he had some feelings for, got together with someone else. It broke him so much, that not even Zuma could calm him down.

He basically gave up on finding someone to love after discovering two secret relationships between Zuma and Ella, and between Skye and Rex. That day he smiled for the last time.

Every time he saw Everest hanging out with Marshall, his heart slowed down a bit. It came to the point, that he almost died when they both kissed right in front of him. This was a few months ago.

Now, he was still an inventor, designing stuff for them as well as helping Ryder. While the jokes that landed in the garage were really funny, the only thing they could get out of him was a simple giggle lasting not even a second. However, today, he was also laughing. Ryder was happy to see him laughing for a brief second after a long time. Sweetie, who was helping them at that moment realized that too, but fully realized it after she stopped laughing like crazy and rolling at the floor.

When they asked what made his day, he said he finally did it. He made the perfect plan to ask Everest out. Ryder and Sweetie looked at each other with sad eyes, knowing Rocky will be depressed twice after he asks her. But as they wanted to tell him to not go, he was already out of the garage and finding Everest.

It was not hard to find husky on a hot day; look for colder places. He saw her under a tree, reading a book, and for once, she was alone. He thought Chase brought Marshall out with him to the town, yet he didn't know. He got closer to her to the point she saw him.

"Hi Rocky!" She said, waving her tail. She liked Rocky, he was her friend. 

"Hi, Everest. What are you up to?" "Oh, just reading this-" She looked at the cover of the book, "-romantic book." 

"Oh, great. What are you doing today? In the evening." He asked, curiosity striking up in both of them, but for different reasons.

"I...don't really know. Maybe nothing, why?" Everest asked him.

"Would you mind going for a small dinner with me?" 

Silence. The husky's eyes blinked twice and weren't sure about what she heard. But then it blinked in her.

"Are you asking me out?" Everest asked, a bit of anger sparkling in her voice.

"Y-Yeah?" "Rocky, I am in a relationship already." She calmed down, when she heard the nervousness in his voice, thinking that he was just desperate.

That's what she observed. Rocky was somehow closed in himself for some time. Although talking with someone, who had a crush on him, Gasket, while she was in Katie's parlor the other day, she found out, that he had a crush on someone else, but no one knew who.

"I know. Sorry for asking." Rocky said and turned around, waiting for tears to come out.

"But I didn't deny it."

He stopped, not believing what he heard.

"I'll go, but it will be just us, friends." She said, amplifying the last word. Rocky couldn't be happier when she said yes and nodded, running off to his pup house. She just chuckled and continued reading through the book.

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