11/ Making it up

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The next day Evelyn spent in training room with Howard, training her shooting as she can't be with someone else. Peggy has a work to do, Steve is planning how to destroy Hydra so another one has a work and with Bucky she don't wanna talk to. She's still mad at him for how he don't trust in her.

She know he's worried but she's something else than a human so it makes the situation different. She can kill ten men in 3 seconds for the god sake! She can compel whoever she wants! (Of course except other vampires.) Peggy taught her to shoot with gun! She know how to fight! There's no need to worry about her.

Even though Howard is total flirt and sometimes pretty annoying, he's a good friend she can talk to and funny. He had free time so she asked him if he wanna hang out and it wouldn't be Howard if he didn't say yes.

Now they are in training room where Evelyn is testing guns if they work or not and because no one was there, she decided to let her anger out by shooting at pictures of black figures where is drawn target.





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Shoot after shoot, Evy exchanged her gun for another and again shot six times. Taking a deep breath to calm down from destroying the target with bare hands, she turns to Howard who stood behind her, watching her while leaning against table where are laid different types of guns. They need to be tested as half of them already is.

"Could you stop staring at my ass?" After some time of feeling his stare on her ass, she asked with annoyed expression. And sometimes he can be pretty pervet but that's the thing why she's friends with him.

"I'm not staring at your ass." She can see in his eyes he's definitely lying.

"Good, then stop staring. Your eyes are telling everything. Rather hand me another gun that need to be tested." Evelyn shook her head at him, turning back around to shoot again.

He took another gun, handing it to her and leaning back. She got ready to shoot but turn and shot the ground between his legs, startling him. She aimed her gun at his face where he tried to hide his fear from her shooting him. She smirked, a smirk she has like had her now dead big brother Damon.

"Chicken." She mumbled loud enough for him to hear, turning back around and shooting right in the middle of the target till it went out. She handed Howard her empty gun, not turning her head.

A cold gun was placed in her hand so she got ready to shoot but stopped when she felt Howard's body press against her back, his hands sliding through her arms over to her hands in which is the gun.

"Really? Because I'm upset with my boyfriend doesn't mean I'm free for you, Howard." She stated annoyed but he just held her hand and elbow, fixing her position of arms a little so she can shoot better. Evelyn turned her head from the target to glare up at Howard. It feels wierd having someone's else arms around her than Bucky.

"Doll, are you here?" Speaking of the devil, Bucky walked into the room seeing his girlfriend glaring at Howard who's too close for Bucky's liking.

"Bucky, leave. I'm not in the mood." She responded, not looking at him but still glaring up at Howard. Bucky went there to apologize and he finds this? The sight made Bucky's blood boil and quickly stormed between them, pushing Howard away from her with glare. Howard lifted his hands in defensive gesture, backing up with a little smirk on his face.

"Stop trying to get into MY girl's pants." Bucky sent Howard a glare that would make you shiver. He doesn't like Evelyn hanging out with Howard, knowing how flirty he is and he's afraid he might take her away from him, even though he know she won't leave him.

"Bucky, stop and leave. I don't want you here." Evelyn let out a sigh of annoyance while rubbing her face, not in the mood to face her boyfriend after last night. He is making drama here and she don't need that right now.

Bucky stopped glaring at Howard, turning to Evelyn with apologic look.

"I'm sorry, baby. I aceept your decisions and I'm sorry for taking so long to do that. Please, forgive me. I love you so much." Bucky held her arms to not let her walk away, trying to kiss her on lips as an apology but she's struggling in his grip, avoiding him to not let him kiss her. As much as she loves his kisses, she won't give up. He can't win her over with kisses.

"Bucky, s-stop." She tried to say but through him kissing her all over the face it's little hard. She tried not to giggle as it tickled her.

"Nope, you are coming with me." Right as Bucky said thit, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, making her yelp in surprise and began his way away from the training room.

Evelyn looked back up at Howard who's smirking at her, probably knowing what's gonna happen. He somehow had to know Bucky would come, otherwise he wouldn't do what he did. Or maybe he would. That bastard. As she can't slap him or do something else to him right now, she showed him her middle-finger, glaring at him.

Through the camp Bucky walked into Evy's room as soldiers sleep together in one room and those who are like VIP or something like that have their own room and Evelyn is one of them. He closed the door, throwing her at her bed and getting on top of her, trapping her between his body and the matress. He finally kissed her on the lips as she now let him, seeing the situation she is in. She melted into the kiss, trying to memorize his lips like every time they're kissing and enjoing it like he does.

Much to their dislike, Bucky pulled away to get some air. His blue eyes stared into her deep sea ones, remembering how much he missed looking into them when he left her in Brooklyn and got captured.

"You were right and I'm letting you go with us take down Hydra but please, be careful. I don't know what I would do if something happens to you. I love you. I love you so much. Please, forgive me." He begged her while putting small kisses on her lips and face. She smirked, not giving up that easily while trying to fight the urge to giggle under his ticklish pecks.

"Hmm. I don't know. Show me how much you want me to forgive you and I'll think about it." She saw sparkles in his eyes, knowing what's next. Not wasting the time, he attacked her lips once again but more hungrily, slidding his tongue inside her mouth and fighting for dominance. In the end he won and pulled away for breath.

"I will show you gladly." He said, again attacking her lips. He tried to get his tongue inside but now she didn't let him, smirking to herself as she know he's annoyed. He bit her lip little bit hard, making her release so he slid his tongue in again, tongue fighting.

His fingers started running up her thigh to the hem of her shirt, pulling it up to reveal her cold skin. It sent chills both their spine when their skin touched.

And like that Bucky was making it up to her by showing his love, her forgiving him in the end.

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