28/ Saving lives

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Many thoughts went through Evelyn's mind, thinking what could possibly go wrong. Heh, many things. The worse that can happen is not put all targets in time and people are dead. Not like she really care eventually. She made a deal with Steve that when they switch the targets, they'll go find Bucky and she will compel him to remember. She just hope nothing will go wrong and everything turn out great.

The door opened but the man couldn't go out because a girl with bloody eyes and veins under them poping out smirking at him stood there, black man and woman pointing at him with guns while Captain America stood behind the girl. Steve stepped forward around Evy, not breaking eye contact with the worker.

"Excuse us." Steve kindly said, Evelyn from behind Steve showing her sharp fangs to frighten the worker even more as he then put his hands up, other workers in the room doing the same.

"You should stop being gentle if you want something. You have to go roughly at them." Evelyn said to Steve, her eyes and fangs going back to normal. Steve just looked at her, then stepped to microphone that will sound in the whole building. Steve got ready to talk, but before he could let out a sound, Evelyn spoke.

"Okay, fellas, get ready, Steve's gonna tell his speech! You got it, dude!" Using British accent she got from Klaus, she smirk at her blonde best friend and so with rolling eyes but small smile on his face, Steve began his speech.

"Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth." And like that Steve told everyone in the building about Hydra and these things and blah, blah, blah.

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam joked, smirking at Steve when Steve finished his speech.

"Oh, if you're a TV monkey for more than 5 months, you'll learn how to talk speeches." Putting her elbow on Sam's shoulder and resting her other hand on her poped out hip while smirking up at him, she said what happened in 1943 when Phillips didn't let Steve to be in army anymore.

Sam looked at her confused as he wasn't in 40s but Steve know when he smiled, remembering the embarrassing time at camp and the show Evelyn did back there.

"Steve wasn't allowed to be in army so he got into TV and became TV monkey, just for you to know, Birdie." Evelyn added, already using a nickname for Sam, which he rather said nothing at. Sam looked at Steve if he should believe her and he did when Steve nodded. They could hear alarm and that means helicarriers were launched.

Sam, Steve and Evelyn left Hill in the main room to switch targets which have each one of them.

"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked when they ran out, Evy running normal speed along side them.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve told him, which is true but not all of it.

"And usually they're big idiots." Eve added, getting confused look from Sam which she ignored.

Sam spread his robotic wings and flew into the sky while Steve jumped down on one helicarrier and Evelyn turned to the last one. She was almost there, but to her great luck Hydra soldiers blocked her way, aiming at her with guns. Don't know if they know metal bullets won't do nothing to her.

"Oh, C'mon. Don't you wanna boys move a little so I can get up there?" Evelyn asked, using her sweet and innocent voice.

"You think we're stupid, girl?" One of the soldiers asked, stepping closer to her. Sighing and tiredly rubbing her temples, Evelyn cracked her fingers and streched.

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