21/ Avengers

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It was now day after Eve met Loki. Now she is in pub, drinking beer while watching News on TV, as do others in the room. In the News is showed New York being attacked by some wierd creatures and those guys calling themself 'Avengers' are fighting them. 

But that's not what really caught Evelyn's attention. The thing that caught her attention was a man in blue costume with the same white star, the same shield and the same helmet. And the same voice too. It's Captain America, or better

Steve Rogers

Her best friend she thought died from an old age or in war. But he look like the last time she saw him. He didn't aged any minute. And that's what is making her to go back to New York and help the Avengers fight those wierd creatures.

"Okay, let's help the Avengers. Either way I have nothing better to do." With that she finished her beer and walked out, ignoring the waitress calling to pay for the beer. As Evelyn got between the trees, she began to vamp-speeding to New York. She have to help them. If she couldn't save Bucky, she will save those people.

____Time skip in New York____

Finally in New York, Evelyn watched it all shocked. Everyhting is ruined, buildings are barely standing, everywhere is mess and people are trying to get to safety while Avengers are trying to stop this all. 

So with her abilities she got as much people into safety as is able to, while fighting against the aliens. Of course she have her hood on and glasses on her face like she used to wear when she was still in Hydra. No one can see her. They would track her when is this all over and she don't want to be stuck somewhere again and be experimented on. 

A lightning appeared on the sky and disappeared on one spot. Being curious who's there but thinks she already know, she speeded there and hid behind a wall, watching Rapunzel, a man with arrows and bow, pretty red haired Agent and her beloved best friend she thought is already dead, talking.

Evelyn noticed five of the aliens trying to sneak at those four, who hadn't noticed them yet. So showing herself, Evelyn speed behind one, snapping it's neck as it fell down, dead. The other four aliens that are left switch their attention to the mysterious girl, Avengers noticing her too. They were about to help her take them down, thinking she's another of those poor people, but they don't know who she is, not even Steve as he don't know her identity.

As one of the aliens pointed at her with something like a gun, it shoot but she was already behind it, her knife deep in its head and slid it down its body, killing it. Grabbing random rod, she spun and punched another one in the face, knocking it out while she threw her knife at the last one. She grabbed the one she knocked to the ground and threw it at the building, killing it as piece of building fell at it, crushing it. 

Evy turned back to look at all of the four Avengers watching her with interrest, surprise and curiousness. None of them have clue who she could be, but wonder if she is the one Loki talked about. The vampire he mentioned in the glass cage before he escaped. But Evelyn kept looking just at one, at the blue man with shield, even though they can't see her face at all. 

"Who are you?" Asked the Agent sternly, showing no emotion as she pointed at Evelyn with her gun, even though they saw her saving them. Evelyn kept quiet, thinking Steve could recognize her voice. She would like to reveal herself, but it's not good time. Not now. 

"Are you enemy or friend?" Now asked Steve, taking a careful step towards Evy who stayed in her spot, but when he took two more and was getting closer, she took step back, pulling out her hand to show him to not step any closer. 

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