24/ Secretly helping Steve and Natasha

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The next day Evelyn sat in closer restaurant, sitting and waiting for Steve to end his meeting with Alexander Pierce, probably about Nick Fury as he died this night.

Because Winter Soldier is in action, she guess it would be better to keep an eye on Steve, just in case something went wrong. Hydra have something in plan, she can say that, but don't know what. It's just the tension in the air and she know something will happen. Something bad.

She suspect Pierce to have something to do with this all, and that his last name is Pierce like Katherine Pierce, she suspice again that last name will bring just commotion and misfortune. She don't know if he and Katherine have something in common or if they're somehow related, but hope not. If she finds out they're, she will kill him personally. But doubt it because he's a human and Katherine is vampire, and vampires can't have children. And with who would she even have? Everybody hates that bitch. 

Evelyn took a sip from her cup, watching Steve get in the elevator and press the button to go down. Like three times stopped as other people got in, all in black. Then, the unexcepted happen and they all fought Steve, trying to get him in handcuffs.

When they attacked, Evy's reflexes kicked in as she put her feet down from the table, watching concered how Steve fought them. In the end it stayed just Steve standing and some guy, Rumlow his name is I think, and Steve in the end threw him at the ceiling and knocked him out. 

She saw he opened the elevator door, she didn't know why as she can't see there at all and Steve spun and broke the glass with his shield, sending the elevator fall down till it stopped.

Steve then opened the up door but immediately closed it. The next thing he did and quite spurprised Evelyn was he jumped from the elevator, breaking the glass. He fell down on the window ceiling, breaking it and then she couldn't see him anymore. 

Secretly she followed him into the garage, getting on his motorcycle as the garage door closed just behind him, him barely making it out. A plane or how are those people calling it flew before him, blocking his way. They warned him to stop but he just speeded and that's when they began to shoot at him, Steve avoiding the bullets like in the war as he used to drive on motorcycle. In a minute he got rid of the plane or whatever is that thing and continued in his way, which led her to hospital.

It would be risk if she go in to follow him, so she decided to stay out and wait when he comes out.

After like fifteen munites he came out, but now with Agent, which Evelyn learnt through years is named Natasha Romanoff. They went to mall, straight into shop with electrical engineering.

With her hood up, Eve stayed outside, watching them. She couldn't see what Natasha searched on the tablet. She just know they're, or better Natasha is trying to find some place. 

And it looks like they found it when they walked out the store and headed to exit, but there appeared a little problem.

Rumlow and his man are here to catch Steve. But Natasha is with him so it's okay, she know what to do. They went on escalator way down, Evelyn like five people behind them. Rumlow got in opposite them, going the way up. 

"Kiss me." Natasha's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, so she listened to what are they talking about. Is she asking Steve to kiss her? Like, she won't blame Steve if he does, Natasha is pretty girl, but Evelyn is still in the days when his heart beats for Peggy. 

"What?" Steve asked, confusion in his voice. Evelyn know he kissed a girl just once, and that was when she and Peggy caught him making out with some blonde bitch Agent. After that she don't know if he ever kissed someone again as she was 'dead', but doubt it.

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