20/ Loki

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End of April, Evelyn is walking at night through the woods, not knowing where, just letting her legs carry her. It's been years since she left Klaus in Rio de Janeiro. From Hydra she traveled through world still, till they caught her in Spain when she was driving to airport. But right as they got her in, she got out. After that she traveled less times then before when she found out she had a tracker in her, and got it out and destroying the tracker, making it for Hydra more harder to find her. But now it seems like they let her be and forgot 'bout her as the last time she travelled were 3 years ago.

This year Evy's turning 162. That's a lot. And a lot happened in her life. She found and lost her friends, her family, her supposed to be husband. Whatever, she got used to losing people. She can't do anything about it. She's a vampire and they're people, mortal people that have short life. 

So now, walking deep in woods, not knowing where she even is, found a squirrel and eat it, not caring it won't feed her enough. If Evy have to feed, mostly human blood, best is if it's fresh blood.

Suddenly, something like a plane? or helicopter? she don't know, flew above her head. Then from nowhere lightning appeared on the sky, even though it doesn't even rain, so it confused her. 

After some time, she saw someone, two people jump from the plane and then another one that look like a robot, flew after them. Evelyn being curious one vamp-speed where those guys are and saw a man with long, she suppose black hair and wierd clothes sitting high on the edge of the hill, watching someone down between trees. 

She vamp-speed over to the cliff and crawled her way up to the black haired man. When she was at the top, she walked over to him with her hood on to hide her identity and sat down next to him. He hadn't noticed her at first, his attention was at two men down fighting together.

"Wow, what's going on down there?" Evelyn spoke, startling the man beside her. He quickly stood up, looking at her. How did she got here? There was no one but my brother second ago. The man thought, eyeing the girl who did not even look at him.

"They cheated with each others girlfriends or what?" Evelyn again spoke with sarcasm, wanting to know what's this situation about. The man looked down where the girl was looking, seeing she's watching his brother and the metal man fighting. 

"Who are you?" The man asked, suspicious if she's one of them and is after him or what. And what would someone do deep in woods, far, far away from city?

"Better question is 'what' I am. Jeez, why everyone ask 'who' and not 'what'? And to answer your question, I'm someone. I can't tell, no one does know my name. Idk if you're from Hydra or what." Evelyn answered, at first still watching down the scene, then looking up at him under her hood.

He can't see her whole face, just her grinned smirk. He suppose she's not with them and is not after him. She looks like she don't even know what's going on, but they already caught him so it doesn't matter who she is. But when she asked it, it confused him.

Eventually he sat back down beside her, trying to see her face but it is dark and the hood is not helping. 

"Who are you?" She again asked. He was surprised she didn't recognize him. She must not see the news about him.

"I'm Loki, of Asgard." As the man, now known as Loki said that, another lightning showed before their eyes and it was coming from or into the blonde armor man hammer. Okay? That's wierd but cool. Evelyn thought. 

"Asgard? Never heard of it." Evelyn thought about if she ever heard of something called Asgard, but nothing came up to her mind.

Rapunzel, the blonde man down there Evelyn decided to call like that, then sent the lightning towards the robotic man. Is it a robot or a man inside of that metal thing? Evelyn thought again towards the metal man. 

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