12/ Caught

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The next day Evelyn was walking with Peggy, making their way to Howard as he wants to show Steve and Evelyn new things he made and would help them in fight against Hydra. Evelyn has no idea what could possibly have Howard for her.

"So, how was your night with Sergeant Barnes?" Eve's eyes widen when Peggy asked her that. Does she know? Were they too loud? She glanced at her to see Peggy watching her with slight smirk so Evelyn played dumb.

"I don't know why are you asking but it was great. Finally with him after such a long time." Evelyn spoke dreamily, remembering back at the night which was yesterday. She missed him, and a lot. More than a lot.

"You know why am I asking. You were pretty loud so hope no one heard you two. You know it's forbidden for soldiers to sleep in someone's else room than in their own bed." Peggy informed her friend on her right, walking along. 

"I know but do I ever listen to the rules? Or anyone? No, I don't. So I think I don't care. And if anybody has a problem with that, then I can compel them to forget and boom, problem solved." Evelyn explained with grin, clapping her hands together at when she said 'boom'. It's quite funny that no one in the camp does know what Evelyn in real is except Bucky, Steve and Peggy. But at least it's safer. There aren't any else vampires or vampire hunters. At least she think.

"Maybe but still. What if Phillips would heard you, hmm, would you dare to compel him?" Evelyn though about it for a while before smirking at Peggy.

"If it would be necessary then yes. It's not like he has vervain with himself or he would remember. It would be like never nothing happened." Peggy rolled her eyes at her short friend, expecting the answer. "Enough about me and Bucky, what about you and Steve? I saw the way you're looking at him. The look full of admiration. I know what you feel towards him. I feel the same but towards Bucky. Maybe stronger but that doesn't matter."

Peggy looked at her with eyes but held her face striaght. "I don't know what are you talking about." Now it's Peggy who played dumb, even though Evelyn can see when someone lies.

"Oh, don't try to cover it. Everyone in the camp can see you like him. Even Colonel. I can't wait when this all is over and you two will be dating, or you can date right now! I already have a plan how to get you two together." Evelyn said with mischievous grin, rubbing her hands together. Again, Peggy rolled her eyes at her.

"Don't overdo it." Evelyn just gave her another smirk. When they turn left, before their eyes is Steve making out with an Assistant Evelyn spotted few times but didn't paid her much attention. What was her name again? She don't care anyway.

"Captain!" Peggy rested her hands on her hips, looking at them with stern look but in the inside she's pissed like never before. Steve and the Assistant quickly pulled away while Steve wiped his mouth. "We're ready for you. If you're not otherwise occupied." Peggy said, holding tears and started quickly walking away as Evelyn gave Steve a look 'you have to be kidding me' and sent daggers towards the Assistant.

"Agent Carter, wait." Steve ran after Peggy, catching up to her.

"Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all." Peggy spat, not looking at him but keeping straight face. She won't show how much hurt she is. She's trained for that.

"Peggy, that's not what you thought it was." Steve tried to explain it but he too don't even know how it happened. He was just waiting for Phillips to leave Stark and then he was making out with her.

"I don't think anything, Captain, no one think. You always wanted to be a soldier and now you are, just like all the rest." Peggy said, continuing in walking but Steve stopped.

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