2/ Peggy Carter and Howard Stark

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The next morning Evelyn and Steve are saying goodbye to Bucky. They watched as the ship moved away. The blue eyed vampire tried to keep her tears up, but they began to slide down. She was afraid something's gonna happen to Bucky and she'll never see him again. He isn't immortal like her. She slowly started walking away, Steve following after her. It was silent walk home. When they stood before Evelyn's apartment, she turned to Steve.

"Thank you, Steve, for walking me home." Evelyn thanked him, still upset and with wet cheeks. 

"Oh, it's nothing." He paused for a while, hesitating. "Evy. When you and Bucky left, I tried it again." The vampire sighed with groan.

"Steve, I thought-" She couldn't say more because he interrupted her.

"No, no. I made it. They accepted me." Evelyn's mouth is wide open like her eyes are. She can't believe her ears. Steve was accepted into war. But that means another person's gonna leave her and can die. Her lips curved into smile, still shocked about what he said.

"That's, that's amazing, Steve. Congratulation." Evelyn sighed, putting her hands on hips. "You're lucky guy. When are you leaving?" She asked, covering pain. It's gonna be hard to say another goodbye. And mainly it's Steve. First her boyfriend, and then her best friend. She couldn't say bye to her brothers, but she don't wanna say goodbye.

"In two weeks." In two weeks?! That's soon. She's glad and proud of him that he made it. He really wants to go to war and now he's really going. But she's worried for him. 

"Well, that's good news. Thank you for informing me. I'm really proud of you. Well then, see you later." She said as she hugged him.

" She said as she hugged him

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"See you later, Stevie." Pulling away, she walk into her apartment, closing the door and slidding down against them. She already miss him. She miss her Bucky. When her brothers died, she lost everything. She thought she had no one but now she don't feel like that and don't want to feel like that again. If he dies out there, she don't know what she will do after.


Now it's night and Evelyn is walking around the town, quietly humming a melody to herself. Her head hurt from crying and she had to clear her mind. She needed fresh air so she's out thinking. What will she do when Steve leaves? She can go back to Mystic Falls, to her home where she was born and see how is it going there. She haven't been there from the day Katherine Pierce turned her. 

Turning into alley, some random guy came from behind her and pinned her against the wall. She can smell alcohol from him so he's for sure drunk. 

"Well, well, well, little girls shouldn't walk alone. You seem sad. Would you like to have some fun?" That guy asked, drunkily. Evelyn rolls her eyes, now has to deal with him. 

"Well, no. If I were you, I wouldn't do that." Evelyn said, whispering at the end. That guy looked at her confused but amused. Oh, just wait, pal, just wait. 

"And why not?" She grabbed his wrist as he wanted to touch her cheek, twisting his arm behind his back then kicking him on the ground. 

"Because I have a boyfriend." He turned to her shocked, not expecting a girl to fight like that. Taking steps closer to him and grabbing his collar to bring him to her face, she looked him in the eyes. "Now you'll stand up and leave and never bother any woman ever again." He repeat after Evelyn monotone, then she let him go. He stood up and walked away, just like she said. She could've kill him but Evelyn promised to Bucky and Steve that she won't hunt here in Brooklyn. 

Suddenly, she heard footsteps and clapping behind her. She turn immediately only to see Howard Stark clapping with smirk and beside him some really pretty woman.

"Good evening. I'm Howard Stark, but for sure you already know that." Introduced Stark himself, grabbing the girl's hand and kissing her knuckles like the gentleman he is. That woman rolled her eyes at him before looking at Evelyn with warm smile.

"Hi, I'm Agent Peggy Carter. Nice to meet you." She shook Evelyn's hand.

"Ehhh, Evelyn Salvatore, but you can call me Evy for short. Nice to meet you too. What are you doing here? It's midnight." Evelyn ask, still confused and surprised from sudden appear of these two.

"Well, we could ask you the same." Shot back Stark and Peggy elbowed him in the ribs.

"We were just walking and discusing before we heard sound and voices. We saw how you defeated that guy and somehow made him leave." Said Peggy, impressed by the short girl's acts. It's good that she didn't kill him, otherwise they would saw her and problems would follow.

"Did I saw you somewhere before? Weren't you on my show yesterday with some guy?" Asked Stark, looking Evelyn up and down. 

"What? Well, yes, I was on your show yesterday with my boyfriend, best friend and another two girls. It was my boyfriend's last day before he left to war." Evelyn nodded, sad but did not show it. Peggy smirk at Stark, who thought that he would get another girlfriend. Evelyn wouldn't date him even if he was the last person on this planet.

"Well, when we are talking about the war, how would you like to join us in the army?" Evy's mouth is wide open like her eyes from Peggy's question. She's asking her to join them in army? To real army? Army like a war? 

"You're asking me... to join you in the army?" They nodded. Evelyn grinned. "You really mean it?" 

"Of course. So, do you want to fight in the war?" The vampire began to think. She can finally fight in the war. But what are gonna Bucky and Steve say about it? Are they gonna be mad? She don't care! Bucky's in the war! Steve's going into war! And what about her? She has the same right to fight like them. So she decided. 

"Yes, yes I want to fight in the war." Evelyn answered them, looking at them from the ground. Their smile wide.

"Excelent. We will see tomorrow morning." Peggy said proud at the small girl's decision. They then gave her adress where are they meeting tomorrow morning. Tomorrow begin her training. After that they split and went their way. In Evelyn's apartment she drank a bag of blood and thought if she did the right decision. Of course she did! But how will she tell about this to Steve and especially to Bucky when he comes back? She'll do something with that later. For now, she has to prepare. 


The next morning they met like Peggy said. That day Evelyn had very hard training, but some things were easy for her. And like that it was going two weeks. She learnt how to shoot with gun and she got better at fighting. Peggy taught her everything she know. 

Evelyn even found out that she's going to campus where Steve is gonna be and that made her let out breath she was holding. Peggy said that they will train new soldiers, including Steve so Evelyn was glad that she can have eyes on him if something happens. She won't forgive herself if something happens to him, and if something happens to Bucky...she don't even want to think about it. Evelyn didn't said about this to Steve yet, they barely see each other. 

Two weeks ran away like water and in the monday Evelyn is starting as Agent Salvatore. 

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