25/ The truth about Winter Soldier

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Evelyn watched from afar as Steve knocked on the door and in few seconds the door opened to reveal Sam Wilson.

It's now morning and they escaped safely. In the middle of the way Natasha woke up and almost attacked Evelyn but when she saw Steve was there, she calmed down. They were asking who she is and why is she helping them but Evelyn said nothing, just pushed them towards Sam's house and when they turned back to look at Evelyn, she was already gone. 

"Hey, man." Sam greeted with nod, frowning as he noticed how destroyed and dirty does the two in front of him look.

"I'm sorry about this. We were led here by the mystery girl and told us you're the only one we can trust. We need a place to lay low." Steve begged, hoping Sam will not turn his back to them.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Natasha added, her voice tired but strong.

"Not everyone." Sam stepped aside for Natasha and Steve to go in and they did. Sam looked around, probably if to see the mystery girl or checking if someone is watching and closed the door. Evelyn sighed from her spot, leaning her head again the wall.

"What have you gotten yourself into now, Steve?" She muttered to herself, closing her eyes and relaxing for at least good 5 minutes, before standing up and walking off to kill the time somehow. She don't wanna sit there and watch over Steve till they decide to do something. She would die of boredom. 

____Time skip____

Walking through the street, headphones on her ears as Kesha-Cannibal is playing, Evelyn moved her head to the rhythm of the song. This song is like about her, but the difference between her and this song or cannibal is she is a vampire and don't kill just boys. 

As Evelyn walked, she could hear through the loud music shooting. What is it now? She thought, stopping the song and putting her headphones down around her neck. Running there (With normal speed) she looked around.

People running away, the bus on it's side with broken glass, cars destroyed, shooting, it must be Hydra after Steve. Sam and Natasha must be with him. 

A loud boom caught her ears and speed there, watching Winter Soldier and Natasha fight. He threw her over his shoulder at the car in front them and picked up his gun, aiming it at her but he couldn't pull the trigger cause Natasha threw at his metal arm some cyrcle thing and it electrified his metal arm, distracting him and buying Natasha time to run away. Evelyn secretly ran after her. 

As Natasha ran and yelled at people to run away, she got shot in the shoulder. She was about to fall but using her vampire speed Evelyn got to her in time to catch her and gently sat her on the ground, leaning her against the car. One thing she discovered about Natasha aka Black Widow is that she's tough and brave one and now when Evelyn see the fear in her eyes of this Hydra Soldier, he's definitely dangerous not only for people but Evelyn as well. In the end this is Hydra we're talking about. However she won't let them see how she feel about this guy. Evelyn looked at Natasha's shoulder, seeing she's losing too much blood.

"It's you." Natasha breath out, looking shocked at Evelyn with widen eyes like she realized something big. Well, yeah she did. Evelyn is like legend from what Steve told them about his times being at war. Evelyn looked at her confused, not understanding why she act like that. "You're Evelyn Salvatore, the vampire, Steve's dead best friend."

Just now Evelyn realized she don't have her hood nor glasses on and everyone can see her face. "Shit." Quickly fixing it, her hood finally up with glasses hugging her head and put her index finger to her lips, Evelyn begged. "Please, do not tell Steve and nobody else how I look like or who I am. Can't explain why right now but please, keep it secret." Natasha hesitated but nodded, getting paler from losing blood.

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