26/ The pirate is alive

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The drive was silent, none of them knowing what to say and it's for better as the two soldiers watching over them would sush them with just little movoment.

This whole drive Evelyn kept her eyes on her lap, not daring to look into someone's eyes, even when she felt Steve's eyes glancing towards her. Blame rising inside her every minute she think about Bucky, thinking how she could've helped him this whole time and every minute she think about Steve, keeping her distance when she knew he's alive and would like to see or speak to her. Well, they did speak, but not in the way they would want.

"It was him." Steve finally decided to speak, his eyes on his lap like Evelyn. She heard him, but said nothing, not even moved. She sat like they just took life away from her, her eyes having no emotion in themself. She again looked like when she was in Hydra, not knowing what to do.

"He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." Steve added.

"How is that even possible? It was, like, 70 years ago." Sam spoke, not knowing what happened in 1945. Bucky must've survived because of the stuff Hydra put in him when he was captured first time. As much as Evelyn wanted to speak, she didn't. Instead of her Steve explained her thoughts loud.

"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and..." Steve straightened up to look at his friends, his eyes falling on his immortal best friend on his left. He can't stay mad at her for not revealing herself to him for so long, he still loves her too much to keep his anger up. (Not in that way, of course)

Evelyn didn't move, but wants to look at his blue eyes again after so many years. He don't know she was taken by Hydra too, she's wondering if he knows about the Dead Beast.

"None of that is your fault, Steve." Natasha tried to comfort her friend, tiredness in her voice. Evelyn know and can smell Natasha is bleeding and lost more than is needed, but if they tell she needs help, they wouldn't help. Hydra took over SHIELD and so without Fury, SHIELD probably will even never be again.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky and...." Steve began and Evelyn could feel his eyes drifting towards her, pleading her to look at him but still she kept her head down, her gaze on her lap. "...you." He finished.

She couldn't help it and let the lonely tear slide down her cheek that to her luck no one noticed, emotions taking over her. She missed him all those years and now is sitting beside him. In situation like this.

"We need to get a doctor here." Sam spoke, finally someone else noticing Natasha's bloody shoulder but will they help? "If we don't put pressure on that wound, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." No.

The soldier on Sam's left used his electric pole like warning to shut up, but then he used it to electrify and knock out the other soldier on Steve's right, falling unconcious to the ground. Evelyn just glanced there to see what happened, but not moved a finger. The soldier put their helmet down, revealing a pretty lady under the siut.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." The lady said, then looked at Sam, not recognizing him and looked at Steve. "Who is this guy?"

The lady, or probably Agent as she looks like to Evelyn, looked around at everyone until her eyes landed on the quiet black-haired girl. She didn't recognize her at first, but when she lowered her head to see hint of her face, her eyes widen in surprise.

"So he was right. Vampires are real in the end." The Agent breathed out, but none of them know who she meant 'he'. Did she mean Loki or someone else? Who was right?

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