23/ Peggy and saving Fury

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"Mr. Carter, you have a visitor." Nurse announced to the old woman with gray long hair with kind smile as Peggy turned her head slowly towards the nurse.

"Let them in." Peggy quietly said, wondering if Steve again came to visit her. The nurse nodded and stepped aside to let the person in. Peggy's eyes widen in shock and surprise at who she sees.

It's Evelyn, her best friend she thought died a long time ago with her fiance.

"Hi, Peggy." Evelyn happily smiled at Peggy, giving her small wave. To Peggy's eyes came running tears as she slowly began to cry.

"Evy, it's you. You came back. It's been so long. I thought you've died with Bucky. How are you still alive? What happened? Does Steve know?" Peggy filled her with questions as Evelyn walked and sat beside Peggy's bed on the chair, gently grabbing her hand to let her feel she's really there with her. 

"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse said as Evelyn nodded and the nurse left the room, closing the door after her. Evelyn then turned back to Peggy, smiling at her.

"Don't worry, Peggy. I'll explain everything to you. And no, Steve doesn't know about me. And can't till I'm not ready." Peggy grabbed her hand, squeezing it as hard as she can while giving her smile and signal to start from the beginning.

Taking deep breath, like she always does when she's gonna explain something big.

"Well, where to begin. That day, I thought is my finall breath. Turns out not." Evelyn began explaining, rubbing her face as it all went throught her head again.

____Time skip after the explanation cause I'm lazy af____

"Oh my god, Evy, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine throught what you had to go. At least this Klaus guy helped you out. But why didn't you tell Steve? He would be happy to have at least one of his best friends again by his side." Peggy asked, which Evelyn sighed at. 

"Peggy, I said I can't. Not till I'm ready. And I doubt that he would be happy, more like upset I kept myself in shadow away from him." Evelyn shook her head, seeing just the negative side in telling Steve.

"Sooner or later he will find out, if you like it or not. It will be hard at first, but when you explain it to him like you did to me right now, I'm sure he will understand and will be again happy." Evelyn looked up at Peggy, writting in her head what Peggy said to her right now. And like always, Peggy is right. Peggy's eyes then widen a little, like she realized something.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here." Peggy reached for her frames with photos that are placed next to her bed, which Evelyn didn't even noticed. With shaky hands Peggy opened the frame and from behind a photo of her and her husband she pulled out two aged photos. Evelyn gasped with big eyes.

"Peggy, are those-?" Her voice got lost, looking up at Peggy as the old woman smiled warmly.

"Yes. I wanted something for reminder and found these in your old room at the camp when they were cleaning it up after, you know." Peggy paused, not really knowing what to say as Evelyn actually isn't really dead like they thought all these years.

"Here, I want you to keep them. And don't even try to protest. In the end, they're yours." Peggy quickly shut Evelyn up when the girl wanted to open her mouth to object. Instead Evelyn took the photos from Peggy's old wrinkled hand, examining them with emotions.

Evelyn opened her mouth to speak, but the same nurse from before opened door and peeked in.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but there's another visitor." The nurse said, Evelyn nodding she understand. The nurse closed the door as Eve sighed and looked back at Peggy. 

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