22/ Museum

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Year 2014

Evelyn made her way to museum where are exposed stuff from war where was Evelyn along with her best friend and lover a long time ago and informations about what they did.

It's been now 2 years since the attack on New York and from that time, Evelyn kept watching over Steve. She wanna make sure he'll do nothing she should help him or save him from and reveal herself, but not just for that. She's still trying to find the right moment to show up to him and tell him she's alive. But it never came.

So now, she decided to have a day off and go somewhere to relax. And a museum came to her mind first and as a good idea. To remember at old times. She just hope no one will notice and recognize her.

Waiting for the moving stairs to get her to the top, Evelyn looked at her stolen phone to see her reflection, checking if her cap and hood cover her enough. Finally at the top, she passed many unimportant sections. 

Her hands are shaking in her pocket, to her eyes fell sadness as she stood before the uniforms and Captain America's first original uniform, big picture of Steve's team behind them. Steve's old uniform stood in the middle most forward, on it's right Bucky's uniform he used to wear on missions and on the left stood Evy's uniform, containing brown leather jacket with sheep rumen inside of the jacket, black cargo pants, belt for her pistols and dark brown combat boots. She remember when Bucky picked that outfit for her.

Funny she's wearing the same thing now, but her leather jacket is black without sheep rumen, wear gray hoodie and her combat boots are black. But it's almost the same, right? 

She moved to another section, to Steve's section. She stand up to contain her height to Steve's when he was still a little. With her new height, they would be almost the same height, her still being little bit smaller, but just inch! She scanned the picture of his face, remembering the times in 40s. It all have been different from this age. 

Moving to another section, she stood before a glass with informations and photo of the love of her life. Bucky's section.

She scanned Bucky's features, missing him all over again, like each day passing. His sweet lips she forgot how taste, his warm, big and muscle body when he used to hug her from behind or cuddle, his soft dark chocolate brown hair she liked to run her hand through, but she never forgot his eyes. The icy-blue eyes she loved to look into every night when they laid in bed. Her best friend, her boyfriend, her fiance.

If, if she just grabbed his hand in time, it all would be different. But Steve would probably never get to this time and would die from the old age, never save New York and never became Avenger. No one will ever know what would happen if things went different way. 

She watched the video where Steve had in front of himself a map, compass with a photo of Peggy in it, Evelyn standing opposite him while Bucky stood beside her, his hand around her waist, the team standing around. The camera directed to Steve's compass, filming the photo of Peggy as Steve noticed the camera and quickly closed it, glaring at the cameraman while Evelyn started laughing at how embarrassed he was. She remember how red he turned, but that time weren't colorfull films or shows. Just black-white. 

She moved to another section, to hers section. There showed a picture of Evelyn with her long wavy hair, informations on each side. She chuckled at the writting that she died at the age of 25, even though she was much, much older and now even more. How ironic, these people know a big nothing about her. It look like Peggy or Steve never told anyone Evelyn is a vampire as there is no mention of something like that. 

"Evelyn Salvatore, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers, best friends from childhood. They were inseparable. Salvatore and Barnes are the only Howling Commando to give their lives, in service of their country, unfortunately not managing it to their marriage." The speaker talked the informations written there out loud.

Oh yeah, they were supposed to marry each other after the war and taking down Hydra. What did they do to deserve such an ending? Especially Bucky. He never did anything wrong or bad. He's the least person to deserve death.

A video where are Steve, Bucky and Evelyn together, laughing at something as she then jumped at Bucky to be same height and kissed Steve's cheek and Bucky's lips, grinning from ear to ear. 

Then there showed a video where Evelyn is sitting in Bucky's lap, explaining him what the gun from Howard can do, even though he didn't like to hear from her how great Howard is. She still don't know what happened with the gun she had, not even the ring and necklake Bucky gave her. She suppose Hydra destroyed it or exchanged for money. Evelyn remember that time, they were on a mission to take down I think 3rd Hydra base and had a little time and Bucky always asked her how is she shooting so good and decided to explain the gun to him. 

In the video Bucky rested his head on her shoulder, showing he don't care about the gun from Howard, making her laugh and kiss his forehead, bringing finally a smile to his face as he looked up at her with big grin. 

A tear rolled down Evy's cheek, not stopping it. She miss it all, more than anything.

She felt a presence beside her and glanced there to look at who's it. It was Steve. And she hoped no one would notice and recognize her. This is bad. He can recognize her and she's still not ready.

Evelyn kept quiet, pretending she hadn't noticed her best friend and tried to hide her face more with her short front hair, trying to calm her nervousness. 

"Interested in history?" Steve suddenly spoke, making Evelyn freeze. Is he talking to her? What should she do? She have to answer, but he can recognize her voice! No, her voice is little bit deeper and eventually look different.

"Quite. Just wanted relaxing place and this came to my mind first." Evelyn answered with truth, not looking at him but she could feel he nodded his head he understand what she meant. There fell comfortable silence between them, but Evelyn decided to break it.

"You look happy on these videos. You had to be really close." Evelyn pointed at the video of them laughing. 

"Yeah, we were, before they died. You know, Bucky asked her to marry him?" Steve looked at the girl, small smile on his face as he remember the time he watched with Peggy Bucky propose Evelyn. Eve tried to look at him but not to reveal her face, and it worked.

"Yeah, they are writting it here." Evelyn smiled at Steve, pointing at the sentence where is it written. "How are you holding up? You know, in this time, not in 1945 with them."

"It's different, a lot. Yes, it was really painful to watch them die when you know you can't do anything about it and still is. I will never forgive myself. They did not deserve it, they had a long life before them. They were the best in my life, my family." Steve answered to Evelyn, sadness written on his face as she watched him watching the video.

She feel pity for not finally revealing herself, but is not ready. And think she will never be.

Suddenly, like getting from the tranze and that she's supposed to not talk to Steve to hide her identity, she became nervous again.

"I'm sorry. Well, it was good talking to you, Captain America. I need to go, you know, to see old friend of mine. Just know one thing, it's not your fault they died, it never was and never will. What happened we can't change. Things happen and will. And, bye." Evelyn backed away, before turning and with quick steps making her way out. 

She need to get away from Steve and she know where to go. To see old friend, like she said to him. And that one friend is Peggy Carter. Not a long ago when Evelyn watched Steve, she found out Peggy is still alive, even though not in the form like years ago, but still alive. And that's where is she going. She need someone she know. Someone close to her.

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