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AS ZUKO MUTTERED   about finishing the ship repairs quickly, Lian spotted Captain Zhao heading towards them.

"Captain Zhao-"

"It's commander now." Zhao interrupted. "General Iroh, great hero of our nation." He greeted, before turning to her uninterestedly. "Who are you again? Ah yes, Zuko's water-bending friend. Hello."

"Hello Commander Zhao, you haven't bought the wrinkle cream I recommended?" She snickers.

"Tch. Still as childish as ever." He snaps, turning his gaze back to Zuko. "The firelord's brother and son... and friend... are always welcome. What brings you to my harbor?" Iroh points to their ship, explaining how they required repairs. Zhao hums in understanding.

"That's quite a bit of damage." He begins before staring at Zuko.

"Yes! You wouldn't believe what happened... Lian, tell him what happened." Zuko says with a forced grin.

Zhao stares at her and narrows his eyes.

"I was actually asleep when-" Lian catches Zuko glaring at her, lips shaped into a frown. "Well I woke up right when it happened. We crashed... right into an Earth Kingdom ship." She says while nodding.

"Really?" Zhao responds in disbelief. "You must regale me with all the thrilling details. Care for a cup of tea?" As Zuko and Lian begin to shake their heads, Iroh accepts immediately, requesting Ginseng tea. Zuko stands frozen until she pulls his arm along while he growls in anger.

They sit, well, the men sit inside while Zhao questions Zuko on his search for the Avatar. Zhao had apologized for missing a seat for Lian, as he hadn't 'expected Zuko's "sidekick" to be with him.

"We haven't found him yet." Zuko confirms.

"Well, what did you expect? The Avatar died a hundred years ago.... Unless you've found some evidence that the Avatar is alive." Zhao responds with a grin. Zuko shakes his head. Zhao turns to Lian, bending forward.

"How about you? Do you remember anything useful?" He asks with a sinister smile.

"No, Commander Zhao." He stands up and leans closer to Zuko.

"If either of you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you know-"

"We haven't found anything." Zuko snaps. He takes hold of Lian's hand as he gets up to leave, until Zhao's soldiers hold them back. One in particular steps forward.

"We interrogated the crew as you requested. They confirmed they had the Avatar in custody, but let him escape." Lian grits her teeth as Zuko lets go of her hand.

"Now remind me..." Zhao begins, stepping closer behind the pair. "How exactly was your ship damaged?"

He forces Zuko to sit back down, and begins questioning him.

"So a 12-year old boy beat you and your fire-benders? You're more pathetic than I thought." He mocks.

"Zuko could give you a matching scar if he wanted," Lian scoffed at his underestimation of their abilities. Zuko widens his eyes and smacks her arm harshly.

"Is that a challenge?" Zhao retorts, smirking as he glimpses at her.

"No. She didn't mean it." Zuko says, raising his head. She crosses her arms and leans back as they continue to argue with each other, only listening when an agni kai pops up in the conversation. Zhao sneers at him and walks out. Lian hits Zuko across the head before scolding him.

"Oh, so I'm not allowed to propose a duel but you are?!" She exclaims.

"I'd be the one fighting him either way." Zuko states firmly, with a hint of annoyance. He pats her shoulder twice before leaving with Iroh. She scoffs and follows after them.

At sundown, Zuko and Zhao kneel before each other as Iroh advises Zuko. Sitting away from them, Lian cups both hands around her mouth and cheers playfully.

"Go, Zuko! Go!" His face heats up before he glares at her. "Wooo~! Look at those abs!" She continues, ignoring his embarrassed expression. They both stand up, and begin once the gong rings.

Zuko shoots multiple blasts of fire at Zhao, all of which he evades. He kicks a wave of flames at Zhao which he deflects. Zhao fires at Zuko until he eventually falls over. Iroh yells at him while Lian watches, unamused. She had hated the whole ordeal, even when they were kids. I mean, what's the point of fighting against the people you're supposed to trust and rely on? How could the fire nation ever be truly united when internal fights were happening.

She watched as Zuko got back up and threatened a shot at Zhao, before turning away in victory.

Lian walked up to Zuko, placing one hand on his biceps.

"Oh my, Prince Zuko~! You were amazing!" She compliments sarcastically, as he blushes and pushes her aside. She watches Zhao get up with both hands on her hips, he grits his teeth as he stands up. Suddenly, he kicks a large flame at Zuko. Stepping in front of it, Lian grabs Zhao's ankle and throws him back, putting out the flame.

Zuko turns around and begins to attack him, until Iroh holds him back.

"So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you." He spits at Zhao. "Thanks again for the tea, it was delicious."

Lian give Zhao one last glare– which he returns– before following Zuko and Iroh.

"Did you really mean that, uncle?" Zuko asks solemnly as we leave.

"Of course. I told you Ginseng tea was my favorite." Iroh says with a chuckle. Zuko smiles down at his feet until Lian pulls his ponytail. He jolts up in surprise, letting out a yelp.


"You should cut this thing off already. Imagine how hot you'd be without a ponytail and plus– look at those muscles." Lian says, pointing a finger at his obnoxiously prominent abs and biceps. Iroh laughs at her antics while Zuko straightens his hair.   


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