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KATARA SIGHS   deeply as she stares down at the clouds.

"They look so soft, don't they? Like you could just jump down and you'd land on a big soft cottony heap." Lian scoffed slightly, looking down at her.

"You'd fall through and die– instantly– when your body slams into the ground." She looks up at her with alarmed eyes. "Clouds are made of water." Katara rolls onto her back, staring up at the sky.

"I don't believe you, I'm gonna try it!" Aang exclaims as he jumps down with his glider. Moments later he returns, soaked in water.

"Turns out Lian was right." She rolled her eyes playfully and crossed her arms.

"I'm always right." Katara didn't seem as amused as she ignored her comment, scooting closer to Aang. Her eyes widen as her face turns bewildered.

"Hey, what is that?" She asked worriedly. The group stared down at a section of land, completely void of grass and coated with dead trees. Not a single form of life exists there, except the four of them. Aang walks through it, his eyes scanning the area.

"Aang? Are you okay?" Katara questions gently.

"Fire nation! Those evil savages make me sick! They have no respect for-" Sokka stops talking as Katara shushes him, pointing at Aang who is now on his knees.

"Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?" Aang asks to himself, picking up a bundle of dirt. As Katara reassures him it isn't his fault, Aang denies it, stating how it's his job to protect this land.

"Don't worry, we're going to the North pole to find you a waterbending teacher." Katara says.

"That's for waterbending. There's no one who can teach me how to be the Avatar." As Aang continues to worry about how he's going to speak to Avatar Roku, Katara picks up an acorn and throws it at Aang.

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