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₊˚ ִֶָ ʚ THE DESERTER ! ˖̥ ₉

APPA LANDS in a Fire nation festival, and Sokka hops off almost immediately looking around for food. They explore the entrance of the festival, before spotting a wanted poster of Aang.

"Look, it's me!" He says enthusiastically.

"Yeah.. I think that means it's time to leave." Sokka rethinks.

"I don't think we, I, should be here either." Lian mutters.

"But this could be my only chance at learning firebending!" Aang rejoices as the group sighs in agreement.

"We can wear disguises!" Katara says, turning to Lian.

"Well, you don't need to, but we have to cover your face." She adds with a frown, moving Lian's bangs out of her eyes.

They spot a stand selling masks, and quickly purchase four of them. Sokka finds a booth with food, and they order flaming fire flakes. As Sokka quickly regrets his decision, Lian grins happily as she eats them.

"I haven't had these in so long!" She beamed.

"They're so hot!" Sokka yelps, looking at Lian with concern.

"Really? They're called fire flakes!" Katara mocked. Aang soon hears a performance taking place at the center of the festival, and a puppet show. He drags the group along, bringing them into the crowd.

"Any volunteers for my next show?" The performer calls. Aang enthusiastically raises his hand, only to be ignored and for the performer to choose Katara.

"She doesn't want to." Lian defends, standing in front of the girl.

"Aww, come on! It's just a little show!"

"She's not going up there." Lian restates, blocking his view of Katara. The younger girl gently pushes aside, assuring her it's fine.

"She's a little shy folks, let's encourage her!" The crowd starts clapping happily, as the performer begins his next trick. He ties Katara down onto a chair, performing a trick with his firebending. The flames he formed into a dragon get extremely close to Katara, almost burning her shoulder.

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