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₊˚ ִֶָ ʚ THE GREAT DIVIDE ! ˖̥ ₉

AANG AND LIAN   met back with the others, carrying large heaps of fruits and nuts. As soon as they returned, the usual arguments between the two siblings gave Aang an opportunity to show how good he was at his job as the Avatar. He smirked at Lian in pride after calming their disputes.

They followed Aang as he showed them the Great Divide. Katara stared at it in awe as Sokka obviously got bored of it fast.

"Ugh, Sokka. How can you not be fascinated? This is the largest canyon in the world!" She nagged.

"Then I'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the sky. As we fly away. I mean there isn't even anything to do here." Sokka said nonchalantly. Katara shot him a glare before rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm sure Lian agrees with me."

Lian nodded in agreement before catching Katara's gaze and quickly shaking her head.

"Wha- what are you talking about Sokka? This canyon is spectacular!" She responds, somehow amusing Katara. As soon as Sokka walks towards Appa, a random man storms in angrily, talking about a canyon guide.

He goes on to explain that he's a refugee, forced to walk to the capital of Ba Sing Se. Sokka points out a group of people in the distance, and asks the man if that's his tribe.

"Absolutely not! That's the Zhang tribe!" Clearly they have some past grudges by the way they look at each other. Quite quickly, they start bickering just like Sokka and Katara.

Rather dramatically, the canyon guide appears. The two tribes argue about who was here first, until mighty Aang decides both tribes should just cross the canyon together.

"Appa can carry your sick and old people across the canyon," Aang began. "Lian will go with them to keep everyone safe."

"Huh?!" She exclaimed. "No way! I'm staying with you all, what if something happens?"

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