Chapter 2

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New's POV

~🔞 beginning of smut 🔞~

"Now fuck me."

Tay responded by pressing our lips together and swallowing my moan. His hands were everywhere at once — roaming under my shirt, clutching my jaw, sliding through my fringe, then dancing over my collarbones. One hand slipped beneath my body and palmed my ass, causing me to moan once more and arch up into Tay's touch. He groaned and pressed his hand against my thigh.

I shuddered as he yanked my shirt off and ran his hands over my exposed skin, loving the warmth of Tay's calloused palms and long fingers. I can't wait to feel them inside.

"You're so gorgeous," Tay muttered, his ebony eyes widening and fixed on me and my now-naked body. Under the alpha's heavy but admiring gaze, I shuddered. Something about being half-naked and vulnerable while Tay was fully dressed made my omega feel queasy and compelled him to submit.

But those fantasies could wait because I needed to see Tay naked right now. I desperately grasped the material of his shirt until the alpha got the hint and yanked it off, practically throwing it across the room. When Tay's abs clenched, my eyes followed the rigid lines of his muscles, and I swallowed hard. He was in better shape than I had anticipated — slim, broad, and tan. Exactly my type.

As Tay's breath tickled my hair, I reached out a hand and touched his lower abs, shivering. When he snarled and pushed me down again, I flicked one of the alpha's nipples and smirked. Tay dove back down for a bruising kiss after covering his body with mine.

I whined into the kiss, grinding up into Tay's hardness.

"Please," I said, my voice already wrecked and erratic.

"Alright, baby," Tay whispered, nibbling at the area under my ear and quickly mouthing over it to relieve the sting. I whimpered, grasping Tay's biceps, then tangled one hand in his hair before gently pulling it back. Tay groaned.

"Being naughty again," he said, grabbing me by the chin. My whimpers and gasps were swallowed as he licked into my lips. I hadn't been kissed this deeply — or even this good — in a long time... perhaps ever.

I let out another wave of slick, shaking with unrestrained desire. In retaliation for earlier, Tay's fingertips skated over my sides, flicking at my nipple and eliciting a high-pitched sound from me. With feather-light strokes, he traced across the contour of my waist. He teasingly placed his hand beneath the waistband of my jeans, then pinched the material of my cotton underwear, causing me to gasp.

"Lift your hips for me, sweetheart," he whispered, his breath tickling the skin of my neck.

Lifting my hips, I bit Tay's lip as he carefully slipped my pants down my legs and over my feet, brushing the delicate flesh of my thighs as he did so. The delicate touches made me shiver. They were out of the ordinary for the situation, but I enjoyed them all the same.

Tay then dipped and nibbled at my inner thigh, causing me to yelp in pain and unleashing a wave of slick. Hands came down to hold my knees and open my legs while the alpha peppered kisses over my sensitive skin. His touches were warm and gentle. Then he leaned in, his breath hot, and ran his tongue over the skin on my navel, one of my most sensitive areas. I squirmed and cried. Tay continued to suck marks onto my stomach while pinning me down with a steady grip on my hips.

I convulsed, my knees kicking out, as he bit down particularly hard just under my belly button. My cock was so erect it hurt, and I was oozing a continuous stream of slick. I can't take it anymore.

"Tay, Tay, Tay," I said. Begged.

"I'll take care of you," Tay said, punctuating the vow with a bite on the sensitive area of my inner thigh, followed by a lovely kiss on the same location to soothe the sting. "You're dressed so nicely for me, aren't you, baby?" he whispered, then slipped his fingers under the elastic of my briefs and pulled them down. I bit down on my knuckles, feeling hazy and overwhelmed as my omega was whining for release.

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