Chapter 15

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CW: 🔞 casual mentions of masturbating, rimming, and fingering


New's POV

I woke up with a heated face and panted. Intimate but obscene flashes of lean muscles, intoxicating pheromones, and delicate hands raced through my mind. I let out a pathetic whimper, my hand reaching down to touch the damp fabric.

I was torn between blazing arousal and smoldering humiliation.

I had a feeling it was going to happen. By this time, I'd read a lot of pregnancy books and was well aware that my hormones were out of control, especially now that I was in the second trimester. I knew I'd be more desperate for certain things, but I didn't anticipate how much more desperate I'd be.

To put it another way, I had no idea I'd be this horny.

With trembling hands, I groped for the top drawer of the bedside table, where I knew a variety of dildos were kept. It was light in my room, so I guessed it was approximately five o'clock, and I needed to be up at eight.

My assumption was disproved by my alarm clock, which shattered the silence.

My hand fell to the table, which I grabbed with pale, quivering fingers as I moaned. My omega struggled, desperate for attention and relief, but I couldn't give it to him. My first lecture was at nine o'clock, and I needed to get ready, eat breakfast, and get to my class. I might be able to jack off in the shower, but it won't satisfy me as much as I'd like.

I whimpered as another wave of slick came out of my hole, and I sat up slowly, cringing at the sticky sensation. I sighed as I got out of bed.

I definitely needed a shower.


Although I worked myself into a pathetic orgasm, my desperation didn't fade, and I was shortly on my way to meet Tay for lunch.

The location had been texted to me earlier, so I entered it into the app and drove. Once I arrived, I frowned, leaning back in the driver's seat as I took in the scene, which was far fancier than my ripped jeans and baggy sweater suggested, but I went in anyway. I nervously twiddled my fingers as I told the hostess I was with Tay Tawan Vihokratana, and she nodded, beckoning me to follow.

Tay hadn't shown up, but he had texted me earlier that he would be late, so I wasn't worried. I looked through the menu, certain that I would just order pasta. A quick scan of the drink menu showed that banana smoothies weren't available here, but I thought it was worth a shot.

"Hello, my name is Podd and I'll be your waiter today." I raised my eyes to the alpha, who gave me a sensual smile. "We don't get many omegas as pretty as you here," he said, winking.

I was taken aback and blinked. The alpha had dark hair, brown eyes, and a broad frame, as well as a confident demeanor that would appeal to any other omega in my position, or even to myself a few months ago. However, I was not in the right state of mind or situation to respond to this alpha's casual flirtations, so I simply smiled.

"I'm waiting for someone," I said, right as the familiar scent of wood sage and sea salt entered my consciousness.

With a scowl on his face, Tay marched towards us. He looked great in a plain white shirt and black jeans with his hair moist from showering after practice and his varsity jacket over his arm.

"He's waiting for me," Tay said, sliding into the booth next to me instead of the spot across from me. He was emitting strong territorial pheromones, which sank into my skin like a claim, causing my omega to flutter happily.

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