Chapter 9 - Paranoia

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[Friday, 1st week of class]

4 nights. 4 nights have I mulled over these questions in my head. As much as I want to forget about it, my mind won't be satisfied until I can give myself some answers. Something is going on and I think I'm starting to figure out what.

I just finished eating home made dinner and I'm currently reading through some notes. However, these notes aren't from lessons but from the questions that I've been asking myself and I think I have found the answer for some of them.

I went back to the one that started it all.

How did those freshmen found out that we're Class-D back at the convenience store?

I keep recalling the events of that incident. I'm pretty sure no one mentioned what specific class we came from before or during the confrontation. Even if we did say anything before that, they only seem to found out during the confrontation.

It's also the first day of school so the chance that the upperclassmen are already familiar with us is so unlikely. Our uniforms doesn't have anything that can identify which class we belong to either.

It was only when I remember my observations during the entrance ceremony did I come up with  a plausible answer.

Sudou's Behavior.

It's the only thing that those upperclassmen pointed out before guessing that he's Class-D. I recalled noticing that Class A were well-behaved as a class during the welcome ceremony and the farther down the class list we go, the less behaved the students are.  However, this raises another question.

Why Class-D is associated with bad behavior?

The behavior of a class develops naturally over time but that was only the first day. The behavior of a class can't be conditioned to be well-behaved within the first few hours . . .  unless the students themselves are well behaved in nature. 

A, B, C, and D. Naturally, when you ask someone to rank the first four letters of the alphabet, A is the highest while D is the lowest. Nothing is mentioned to us during the orientation nor the interview about the class placement. The letters given to each class is viewed as a way to differentiate the 4 classes. But what if . . .

Unless I can prove that class placement is based on behavior, there's no way to answer why bad behavior is associated with Class-D at the moment. I might need to ask an upperclassmen or maybe a teacher.

Speaking of upperclassmen, I remembered my conversation with Blonde-senpai back at the cafeteria which lead to another question.

Why did he asked about what class I am before suggesting a meal set?

I recalled the options he gave me: an expensive lunch set because I should "enjoy it while I can" or going for a cheaper lunch set to save point which is "a great choice".

Took me two days before I started to understand what I think he's implying. Enjoying an expensive lunch while I still can or saving points by buying a cheap lunch set. The way he phrased those suggestions is based on points and not on the quality of the food.

When you suggest a meal to someone, you usually based your suggestion on taste and quality first before price unless the person specifically asked it which I didn't. So why did he suggested those options based on points?

Enjoy it while you can . . .  Saving points is a great choice . . .

Something is bugging me regarding points. We have a 100,000 points as a monthly allowance but we also have some basic needs that are for free like the free lunch set and the free items at the convenience store. Sure, maybe it's for those who burned through their 100,000 points in the middle of the month but then . . .

. . . why did I saw someone get something from the free items on the first day?

I also see that same student in the cafeteria, eating a cheap looking lunch set. He doesn't seem to be a freshmen . . .

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