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First ContestGarden, 2011(Pronouns used for Loki: they/them)

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First Contest
Garden, 2011
(Pronouns used for Loki: they/them)

It was the day of the first contest, and the suitors were all gathered in one of the large royal gardens together with Loki, who explained the first task once again. "Each one of you will get a small piece of fabric and some threads in different colours. You'll have to prove yourself artisanal, and stitch a pattern. I will then rate it. You have one hour to finish."

Some maids handed pieces of fabric, needles and threads to the suitors. They immediately started working. Meanwhile, Loki looked around.

Sometime later

Loki became very much interested in Njal's piece, which was inspired by the flowers that grew in the garden. There were sunflowers, roses and pieces of lavender, decorated with green leaves. Loki noticed, that Astrid was struggling with coming up with something, and looked over to Sylvie, who was stitching something like the ice tiara she wore the other day, a lot.

Astrid copied her, but instead of making it an ice tiara, she made it out of leaves. She stole that idea from Njal. Loki sensed something suspicious about her.

"Alright, the time is up. The best of you are Njal, Sylvie and Nephuus. Thank you for attending. Now it is time for lunch. After that there will be the next contest." The suitors started gathering their thing and talking to each other.

Loki walked up to Astrid. "Hello Lady Astrid. I noticed you got "inspired" by Lady Sylvie and Prince Njal." They said, slightly lifting their eyebrows.

Astrid's face turned a light shade of red, like she was embarrassing. "N-no that is not true. It was my original idea." A liar, huh? Loki thought to themselves. "Very well. I will see you at lunch."

Author's Note:

Hello dear readers,
I apologize that this chapter is quite short, but it's 1:30 am rn, and I'm very busy atm. I'm writing 4 exams in the next few weeks which isn't very fun, and I don't know when I'll have time to update again. Hope you understand, love y'all!!

(Also, congrats to Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton on their engagement <3 )

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