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Next dayThrone Room(Pronouns used for Loki: she/her)

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Next day
Throne Room
(Pronouns used for Loki: she/her)

The suitors were told to stand in a line. They were waiting for Loki to enter the hall and announce who was leaving, and what the 2nd contest would be. 

Not even 5 minutes later the gates were opened and the princess walked into the chamber. She was wearing a green knee-lenght dress which had an open back, and long sleeves made out of lace with floral pattern. On her head she had a silver circlet with small emerald leaves that decorated her hair which she decided to leave open today.

Her black shiny heels clung on the marble floor as she walked towards the line of people. 

"I wish you all a good morning. I brought back the results from the first contest. I will give out who will leave, and after that I will explain today's task."

Loki took a glance at the parchment paper that she held in her hand. "I will now tell you the names of the suitors that are to leave. Nephuus of Muspelheim, Ivar of Nilfheim and Mia of Midgard. You shall pack your things. Guards will wait at the front gate to escort you to your homeland." 

Loki rolled the paper in her hands and saw how the suitors walked out of the room with their heads sunk in disappointment. 

"Let's continue. Today you will prove your knowledge in politics. Each one of you will attend a council meeting with me, and you'll have to solve a political problem. Those who will have the best solution will get the most points. Results will come in tomorrow morning. Cheating will not be tolerated. You are not allowed to tell any of the other suitors what case you had to solve and how you did it. If any of you do cheat, you will be expelled immediately. Did everyone understand the assignment?" 

They all nodded, and some of them mumbled a "yes" under their breath. 

"Alright. The meetings start now. First, I would like Njal to come with me. Meanwhile, the others will wait here and entertain themselves. You can get to know each other." 

Loki made eye contact with Njal, and with a hand movement, she told him to follow her.

They entered the meeting room where other important members of the royality sat. Loki gestured Njal to sit on the free chair next to herself. 

"What will we discuss today?" She asked, nodding towards the politicians. "Well, milady, we've been having issues with famine lately. The harvest wasn't very good and a lot of the lower population have been suffering from hunger." Freyr, the god of harvest, explained the situation. "Do any of you have any ideas how we could solve this?" Loki's gaze went upon the Vanir.

"Well, I think that maybe we could give up some of the food that is being served here. There are lots of leftovers, for sure, that are just being thrown away. I'm sure that the citizens would appreciate food even if it's leftovers." Njal stated. Freyr nodded in agreement. "That is a good solution. No wonder you're the god of wisdom." He complimented Njal's statement. "Thank you, your majesty." 

"And what do you think of his idea?" Loki turned to the other council members. They all ended up in agreeing with the Vanir prince. 

Later that day

After all the meetings were done, Loki made her way to look for Sylvie, and thankfully it didn't take very long. She found the giantess in the library, calmly reading a book. "Good afternoon Lady Sylvie. I apologize for the disturbance but I would like to ask you something." 

She set the book aside. "Hello Lady Loki. It's alright. What troubles you?" 

"I was wondering if you would accompany me to a candlelight dinner at sunset tonight. I will have my best cooks cook." Loki sat down next to Sylvie on the red velvet couch that stood in the middle of the library.

"It would be a pleasure." Sylvie smiled kindly. "Great. I will let a guard escort you to the main balcony in a couple hours. I will see you then." Loki slightly bowed, and left the library, walking in the direction of her room. 

She decided to change her dress to a long flowy one. It was black, and had a slit on the left side. It was sleeveless, and defined Loki's curves perfectly. She let the handmaidens braid her hair into a low bun decorated with little golden roses. On her feet Loki had black heels with a golden platform. Her eyelids were shining with black glitter, and red lipstick completed the look.

When Loki was on her way to the balcony with the best view, she saw that Sylvie was coming too, from the opposite direction. She was wearing a simple beige dress that went just to the middle of her thighs. It didn't have sleeves, nor straps, but there was a golden circle around her neck that held it all together. She was wearing flat shoes that were golden as well. They were tied around her legs and went just under her knees. On her arms she wore her signature bracelets. 

"Good evening Lady Sylvie. You're looking absolutely gorgeous." Blush spread on her blue cheeks. "Good evening Lady Loki. Thank you, you look stunning yourself." 

Loki held out her arm for Sylvie to take. "Shall we go?" The giantess nodded, and the women walked to the small table that was set up on the balcony. The sun was just beginning to set, and Sylvie sighed in awe. "It's breathtaking, isn't it?" They watched as the sky turned to all the colors of the rainbow. "It is truly beautiful."

They sat down, and Loki offered Sylvie the finest wine to be found in Asgard, which she gratefully agreed to. 

Loki conjured a red rose for Sylvie. "Wow...who taught you all that magic?" She asked. Loki smiled at her. "My mother." Sylvie's lips curled into a sad smile, at the thought of her own mother's death. "What is she like?" She asked out of curiousity. "You know...she is um, the queen of Asgard. She is good. Purely decent. You can meet her if you want. Tell me about your mother." Loki was aware that this was a hard subject for Sylvie, so she would understand if she didn't wanna talk about it.

"I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point." Loki took Sylvie's hand and slowly caressed her finger over her blue knuckles. "You know, when I was young my mother used to do these little bits of magic for me. Like turn a flower into a frog, or cast fireworks above the water. It all seemed impossible. But she told me that one day I'd be able to do it too because...because I could do anything." 

Loki saw the sadness in Sylvie's eyes. "You wanna see?" Loki held her hand up, and spread her fingers, and suddenly small fireworks appeared above her hand. She looked into Sylvie's eyes and saw how the colorful light was mirrored on the glossy surface. "Wow." 

"She is the kind of person you'd want to believe in you." Sylvie swallowed. "Sounds like she does." 

"Well, yeah she does. Let's change the subject. Have you ever been in love?" Loki didn't want to torture Sylvie any longer with a subject she was very sensitive with. "Well, I managed to have quite a stable relationship with a postman in the past. But it didn't last very long."

Loki chuckled. "Well, with charm like that, who could resist you?" Sylvie's smile widened. "People are quite willing in the face of certain doom." She answered. "I'm sure they are." Loki took a sip of her wine. 

"It was only ever just to keep me going. How about you? Were there any princes, or perhaps another princess?" Sylvie questioned. "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you. But nothing ever..."

"...real." Sylvie ended the sentence, which Loki hummed at. 

Their love-talk was ended when the waiter came with their food. Loki thanked for it, and send him back. Sylvie was the first to try the food, and started coughing after her first bite. "Are you alright?" Loki asked. "I...can't..." She couldn't get a proper sentence out.


Author's Note:

Woah. This chapter has almost 1.4k words. It took me almost 2 hours to write it, but it's definitely my favourite chapter so far. What did you think of the Loki series reference? And the plot twist at the end?

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