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Next morning, Throne Room(Pronouns used for Loki: they/them)

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Next morning, Throne Room
(Pronouns used for Loki: they/them)

Loki nervously stepped up and down on the marble stairs in the throne room as the shining gates opened and the two remaining suitors entered the hall. Loki cleared their throat and put their hands behind their back. "I wish you a lovely morning, Lady Sylvie", they nodded into the giantesses direction, "Prince Njal. I hope you're doing well. Today is finally the day I will choose my partner."

Loki glanced behind his shoulder to their mother, who warmly smiled at them, nodding. Loki took a deep breath. "I choose...I choose Sylvie. I want to spend my life with you. You're a wonderful woman and you simply stole my heart. Njal, you're a great man. Don't ever change who you are. Even though I chose Sylvie as my wife, I would appreciate it if you came to our wedding."

The Vanir nodded, taking a step backwards. "Congratulations Prince Loki, Princess Sylvie. It would be a pleasure to attend to your wedding."

After clearing some more things with their father, Loki and Sylvie made their way to the gardens of Asgard. But not some random gardens. Loki chose to bring Sylvie to one of Frigga's special rose gardens. There the Allmother used to teach Loki magic when they were younger. She used to show them how to turn flowers into frogs, or cast little fireworks over the little pond in the middle of the garden.

Loki's hand slightly squeezed Sylvie's, as they walked into the garden. Sylvie's white dress flowed behind her as the light breeze lingered in the air. Loki took a key out of the pocket of their pants, opening the port. They held the door open for Sylvie to walk in first. She looked around the garden. It was surrounded by a hegde. Everywhere were roses, and their smell as well. Above them, bees and butterflies were flying.

"Wow." Sylvie muttered under her breath. "Breathtaking, isn't it?" She nodded, turning around her own angle. "Yeah it is."

"Just like you." Loki grinned at Sylvie. Taking her hands, they spinned her around before pulling her to themselves and kissing her. "I'm glad you chose me, Loki." They leaned their forehead to hers. "I'm glad too, Sylvie. Come on."

Loki led her through the garden to a corner where there was a wooden swing hung on a weeping willow. It looked beautiful. "Sit down." Sylvie did as they said, taking her sandals off, throwing them on the side and enjoying the soft tingling of the grass.

Loki stood beside her for a moment, searching for something in their pockets. Finally, they took out a black velvet box, getting on one knee in front of Sylvie.

"Sylvie, before we get wed tomorrow, I wanted to propose formally to make all this arraned marriage stuff sound not that bad. When I first saw you walk into the throne room that day, I was speechless at your beauty. And soon after I found out that your heart is even more beautiful. You deserve everything in the world. You understand me better than anyone else does. You own my entire heart, and I feel like it's safe with you holding it. Sylvie, my love, will you marry me?"

Sylvie jumped up from the swing, falling into Loki's arms, who picked her up and spinned her around. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you, Loki."

They set her back on the ground, sliding the ring onto her finger. Sylvie examined it. It was silver, with a rose on top. The petals on the side were filled with tiny black diamonds and in the middle there was an emerald stone.

Loki picked Sylvie up again which she yelped at

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Loki picked Sylvie up again which she yelped at. They sat down onto the swing, setting her on their lap. They held her tightly to their chest. "I love you Sylvie. Til the end of time, I won't change my mind."

"I love you too, Lokes." Loki smiled at the nickname, pressing their lips onto hers.

Loki finally felt complete.

But what none of them knew, was that a certain person awoke, in Asgard's deepest dungeons.

Author's Note:

Hello honey bunnies!!
I'm warning you, there will be a huuuuge plot twist in the next chapter, so get ready for that. I've been planning it since I started this book.

Anyways, I ordered some new books last week and they finally came in yayy! I got How The King Of Elfhame Learned To Hate Stories, The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo, That Good Mischief, and Magician. I'm so excited for all of these!


ok back to lowercase. In 3 weeks I'm going on vacation to Bosnia for a week, and then to Croatia for a few days. It's gonna be a 10 hour car ride...FUUUN (not) i gotta create a really long playlist lol

I'm gonna try to update once more before I go on vacation because I'm pretty sure I won't update while being there

This a/n got a little longer than I expected oops hahaha

Ok well goodnight little peas (hope you got that reference)

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