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The day after the battleThrone Room, 2011(Pronouns used for Loki: he/him)

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The day after the battle
Throne Room, 2011
(Pronouns used for Loki: he/him)

Once again, the Asgardians and the Jotuns were united in Asgard's throne room. "Do you, Loki Odinson, King of Asgard, take Sylvie Laufeydottir as your wife and queen?"

Yes you heard that right, Loki was now the king of Asgard. There was no time for celebrating the victory of the battle against Hela. Asgard needed a new king.

"I do." Loki answered, caressing Sylvie's knuckles. "Do you, Sylvie Laufeydottir, take Loki Odinson as your husband and do you accept being Queen of this realm?" Sylvie let out a shaky breath before nodding. "I do."

"I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The people cheered while Loki pressed his lips to Sylvie's and kissed her hard. When they parted, Loki took Sylvie's hand and they ran out of the throne room, making their way towards the festively decorated feast hall.

They danced, ate, drunk, and sang. And enjoyed every moment of their wedding day, because finally everything was fine.

In the evening, Loki walked through the gardens with his brother, both of them drunk, talking about the weirdest things. "Ooh you remember when we were 8??" Loki said with a laugher. "Don't start with that." Thor started laughing. "Come on. You loved snakes so much that you picked me up and then I turned back and I was like 'bleughhhh' and then I stabbed you. It was hilarious." Loki laughed.

"My sons." Their mother came towards them. "Let's sit."

They both sat down with Frigga on a bench next to some roses. "Is something wrong, mother?" Thor asked her. "Your father he....he calls me."

Author's Note:
Heyyyyy y'allllllll
Sorry it's just a short chapter but yeah idk what else to say

There's been some stuff going on recently, that's why I'm taking a break from tiktok and my fp on insta, and I gotta say life is less stressful without getting 93747826382837 tiktok notifications 24/7 and I don't waste time scrolling through stupid videos.

Anyways, I got an internship at a bookstore (it's in march tho)

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