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Balcony(Pronouns used for Loki: she/her)"

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(Pronouns used for Loki: she/her)"

"Guards!" Loki yelled once again when she finally saw the armored men. "Someone poisoned her food. Bring all the cooks and maids who were onn kitchen duty to the throne room. I'm going to bring her to the healing wing." Loki said before wrapping Sylvie's arm around her shoulder  and teleporting herself.

At her desired place she found healer fairies and their apprentices, as well as her mother. "Someone please help! She got poisoned." Loki helped  Sylvie, who was barely conscious, get on one of the beds. 

Frigga immediately rushed to her daughter. "It'll be okay. We'll take care of her, Loki." Her mother tried to calm her down.

Loki stepped away to let the healers step to Sylvie's side. "Please heal her." She whispered teleporting herself to the throne room, knowing she won't do much if she just stands in the healing chamber looking at Sylvie's pale face. 

There she found the cooks and maids she asked for. "Someone of you poisoned one of the suitors. Either you tell me the truth or you'll all  be punished." Loki saw that one of the maids stared intensively at the ground and fiddled nervously with her hands. Loki walked towards her and gripped the maid's chin, lifting it up to her eye height. "Do you know anything dear?" 

The maid swallowed. "I-I saw one of the suitors walking to the kitchen earlier." Loki lifted her eyebrows at thhe confession. "Which one was it?" 

"It was a light elf, your majesty." Loki let go of her chin.  "Very well. You're dismissed." 

Loki made up a plan in her mind to confront Astrid about what she did. But first she would visit Sylvie to check up on her.

Making her way to the healing wing once again, Loki ran into the elf that caused all the trouble. "Good evening, Lady Loki. How did your dinner with Lady Sylvie go?" How did she even find outt about the dinner? Loki nor Sylvie told anyone about  it. 

Loki ignored Astrid's question and entered the healing chamber, seeing Sylvie awake. "Oh thanks to the Gods of Asgard. I will end that little elf for doing this. I'm really glad you're alright, Lady Sylvie." Loki leaned over the giantess, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Author's Note:

- This chapter is a little shorter, because I wanted to start a new one for what will happen next

- On Monday I'm going to visit my cousin for a few days so I probably won't update, but maybe I could write something omw there (it's a 4h car ride)

- WTF I'm turning 15 in 9 days.

- I watched the movie "fresh" yesterday and I'm a little traumatized...just a little

- new story coming soon: His Undying Fidelity (Loki x OC)

- I changed my username
shelvscontrol -> lokislittleangel

That was all, see ya!

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 // 𝒔𝒚𝒍𝒌𝒊Where stories live. Discover now