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Asgard's Battlefield, 2011(Pronouns used for Loki: she/her)"

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Asgard's Battlefield, 2011
(Pronouns used for Loki: she/her)"

"Sister, I have a proposal for you. Either you go back to Hel willingly, or we fight and I send you back. With violence." Loki stood all prepared on the battlefield, behind her all of Asgard's mightiest soldiers. Next to Loki there was Thor, Lady Sif and the warriors three. 

Hela laughed at the princess. "Oh my dear sister. I love your jokes. Anyways, kneel." Loki frowned, slightly tilting her head. "Beg your pardon?" Hela rolled her eyes, and lifted her hands to her head, conjuring a black crown with spikes, and then lowering her arms again, two black spikes appeared in each of her hands. 

"Attack!" Hela shouted, and her army moved towards the asgardians. And right in this moment, Odin appeared beside Loki. "Let's go", he said before turning into Hela's direction.

Loki went right onto Hela. Her mischievous magic and daggers vs Hela's swords. 

Hela slit her sword across Loki's wrist which made her drop her dagger and  hiss. But this wouldn't bring her down, because  Loki was wise enough to create an illusion which was fighting against the goddess of death, while the real Loki sneaked behind her, digging one of her daggers into Hela's gut. She screamed in pain, turning around not expecting Loki to punch her in the face. 

Loki curled her hand into a fist and aimed for the front of Hela's nose. Loki's fist hit the bridge of her nose.  Her blood splattered all over her face and Loki's knuckles. 

Hela took a moment to stop and wiped the red substance from underneath her nose. Then she screamed and aimed her sword directly at Loki but to her surprise she suddenly saw a whole bunch of Lokis. "Are you kidding me?" She groaned, turning around trying to get rid of all the illusions but Loki just kept creating more and more, until Hela stopped for a moment. 

She was swiftly pushed to the ground by Loki, who dug a dagger into her shoulder and then took one of Hela's swords. Loki wiped the blood from her face, standing up. Immediately when Hela  let out a loud cry from pain, her army of dead fell onto their knees  and begged Loki to have mercy, as she raised the sword and spoke, "I am the righteous hand of god, and I am the devil that you forgot. And I told you one day you will see that I will prove myself." 

And with these words, Loki dug the sword into Hela's chest and the army of dead became dead again.

There was only one problem. Thor called Loki's name. She turned around and her heart stopped beating for a moment. Thor was kneeling beside their father's dead body.

Author's Note:

I am not sorry for killing off Odin, i hate him with passion.

Anyways, I'm really sorry for not updating for 3 weeks but I was on vacation and then I was sick. I went to see a doctor yesterday and yeah I felt better today.

Anyways, I have 5 more weeks to go until summer break. But it's gonna be fine bc soon I'm going on a class trip to a theme park and it's gonna be really fun :)

Also, the part where Loki kills Hela was totally not inspired by the song hell's coming with me...ehehehe


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