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Next dayThrone Room, 2011

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Next day
Throne Room, 2011

(Pronouns used for Loki: he/him)

"Good morning. Today I welcome you to the last contest. We'll start with the suitors that will be leaving. Hœnir from Nidavellir, Herja, and Sigyn from Asgard." Loki stood in front of the men and women that were left. He was wearing a simple forest green tunic with a golden belt around it, black pants and knee-high boots. On his head he had a golden circlet which was a present from his mother for his 750th birthday.

"Before I start explaining the task, I would like to address something that happened yesterday. You see, I had a nice dinner with our lovely Lady Sylvie. But unfortunately, her food was poisoned, and she got really sick. A maid told me, that a certain light elf was seen in the kitchen." Loki's gaze went upon Astrid, whose face was very red. In anger and embarrasement. 

"Lady Astrid, do you want to know what happens when you cheat? Well, you usually should get executed,  but I'm not that cruel, so I'll just send you to your home realm. You'll be banished from entering Asgard until the day of your death." He ended his speech with pointing his hand to thee golden doors of the hall.

Astrid clenched her fists, and ran out of the throne room, screaming in the corridors. 

"Well, seems like only you two left." Sylvie and Njal looked at each other, and then back at the asgardian prince. "Anyways, today's assignment won't be very demanding. Each one of you will spend half of the day with me. Lady Sylvie, you will accompany me to one of the villages. Prince Njal, you will spend the afternoon and evening with me in whilst we will go sparring and have a dinner." The suitors both nodded. 

Loki turned to Sylvie. "Milady, I expect you outside the castle in half an hour. Wear your riding attire." The giantess nodded and left the room.

Half an hour later

Loki was already there when Sylvie arrived. She was wearing a cropped  beige top with long sleeves, black leggings that showed off her curves, and brown riding boots. The top of her hair was pulled into a bun so that it wouldn't get into her face. 

Loki helped her get onto the white horse that the servants prepared, and he himself sat onto the back of his horse, which had coal black fur. "Let's go." 

It didn't take very long until they arrived at the village, and they were greeted greatly. The women and the men were clapping when Loki and his companion entered the gates, and the children were throwing flowers. 

Two servants walked towards their horses, and Loki let them take the horses so that he and Sylvie could explore the market. 

Loki offered his arm to Sylvie, and she gratefully accepted his offer, hooking her arm around his'. They walked through the different stands of the market, and Sylvie seemed to be amazed by the asgardian jewelry, especially a golden necklace with little emeralds and diamonds.

 They walked through the different stands of the market, and Sylvie seemed to be amazed by the asgardian jewelry, especially a golden necklace with little emeralds and diamonds

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"How much for it?" Loki asked the seller. "This? 600 coins, Sir." Loki nodded and grabbed the bag with money that he kept on his belt. He gave the seller 800 coins. "Keep the change." 

Loki helped Sylvie put on the necklace, swiping her hair to the side. And as she was holding it, Loki's fingertips brushed against her soft, cool skin, closing the clasp of the necklace. "Thank you, my Prince. You truly didn't have to do that." 

"It was my pleasure." He answered, leaning closer to Sylvie's face, his lips placing a vague kiss on her blue cheek.

Author's Note:

Hellooo my friendssss
I'm back with another chapter, yayy
My birthday is on Sunday (wth) and on Monday I have school again *cries in physics exam on Friday*
Anyways, I bought new earphones today bc my other ones were broken and I bought different ones that I usually buy and I hate them so much the sound quality is horrible🥲🥲
Welp, on Friday I have a physics exam but I'm also going bowling with my friends cuz of my b-day

ALSO idk if I already told you guys, but i bought tickets for Dr. Strange MoM for May 6th in 3D and the seats are in the last row holy shit im so excited for this movie

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