
161 6 4

Royal Gardens, 2011
(Pronouns used for Loki: he/him)


"Your father he....he calls me."

"What do you mean, mother?" Loki asked worried, laying his hand on Frigga's shoulder. "My time has come, my sons. You're ready to be on your own."

Loki's bottom lip quivered and his eyes got watery. "W-what? No I- you can't leave me, you can't leave us!" Loki swallowed, trying to hold his tears back. "People will come and go. Even your most loved ones. You will eventually come to accept this. It takes time, for sure but it will be okay. You'll be okay, Loki. And I'm sure you'll make a great King. We will meet again someday."

Frigga took Loki's and Thor's hands into hers and held them tight as she disappeared into golden dust which got blown away by the soft wind.

Thor hit his fist against the bench the brothers were sitting on. "Damn it!" His teeth were clenched, his face was red and his eyes glossy. Loki stared into the direction that the golden dust had flown, tears falling without any noise.

People say there are 5 stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The brothers were at the first stage now. It would take time to heal, they both knew it. So much happened in the last few days, it completely changed their lives but it would get better. It had to.

Two years later

"WHY DID I EVER WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN DAMN IT!" Sylvie was currently giving birth to her and Loki's child, and she was squeezing his hand as if her life depended on it.

"And push! That's it! Great job your highness! It's a boy!"

And in the moment that Loki held him in his arms, he healed from everything that happened. The boy had baby blue skin and Loki's dark hair. His right eye was crimson, and his left was emerald. A perfect combination of his parents. Loki smiled in tears and let out a chuckle in relief. "Narfi. His name will be Narfi."

"SHIT!" Loki turned to his wife who was once again, in pain. "Seems like there's another one!" The healer spoke.

After a few minutes of having to listen to Sylvie's screams and regret of ever coming to Asgard as a suitor, another beautiful baby boy was breathed his first breath. He was handed to Sylvie. "I hope this was the last one." Loki chuckled at her response and watched his sons. "Vali" Sylvie said.

"That's perfect. Narfi and Vali." Loki let a few tears slip onto his cheeks. "Your mother would've been so proud, Loki."

And indeed, she was. Frigga watched both her sons from above, from Valhalla. And so did Odin.

Narfi and Vali grew up happily in the castles of Asgard. Three years after they were born, their little sister Iona, got to see the light. And soon after, Thor's wife, Jane of Midgard, gave birth to their son Magni, and a year later to their daughter Amora.

In conclusion, they all had their happy end. As they deserved.

Author's Note:


Yes it's the end😭😭 jshshssbsnduskkshdjdjsdhjsjsjsjdjsjsjdhxjPwikdhdjw

I should stop keyboard smashing

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it, thank you so much for supporting me with this book, and look out for the next book: His Undying Fidelity (and maybe a 001 X reader oneshot book)

Ok now something abt my life again: on Saturday i went on a culture festival in my city it was really fun, they played some great music and in the evening there was that punk/rock band and they had a guitarist as a guest and he played one song with them, and later he went into the crowd and he was standing next to me and I got a pic with him wjsjejskdj

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