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"This is nice" her father smiled "spending quality time with my daughter"

"In a squad car" Melissa added.

He laughed.

"We have a 9310 I repeat a 9310 on Burgison St, over" the squad car radio buzzed.

"On my way" Chief Greendale said into his walkie talkie "hold on" He flipped on his lights and sped down the road.

"What's a 9 3 whatever thing?" Melissa asked.

"A ninety three ten is police code for armed robbery" he said gripping the steering wheel.

"And I get to come!" She said enthusiastically "this is so exciting!"

The car zoomed passed pedestrians and up small roads until reaching the scene of the crime at the local bank. Chief Greendale pulled around and parked the car "stay here" he instructed his daughter.

"By myself!?"

"Mel I've got to go in there, please just stay in the car no matter what" he said before closing the door.

Chief Greendale walked up to another officer standing behind his squad car with a gun pointed at the doors.

"What's going on?" Greendale asked.

"The armed robbery has turned into a hostage situation as well, we need some back up"

"You call in and I'll investigate"

"But sir-"

"No buts Mcgee, go call for backup" he ordered and proceeded inside. He pulled his gun out and held it in his hands.

"Shut up! Stop crying!"

He heard someone yell. He advanced into the main hallway of the bank and spotted the hostages tied up with rope sitting under desks.

"I'm not going to hurt any of you! I just want the money!"

Greendale backed away slowly and crept back into the bathroom to radio Mcgee "is backup coming?" He asked.

"Stacey and Reynolds are on their way" Mcgee reported.

"Nice work officer" he responded putting the walkie talkie away. He snuck back into the room quietly and loaded his gun. The clicking noise echoed through the room making all eyes shift to him.

"Back away" the criminal said pointing a gun at him.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to please drop your weapon" Greendale said politely.

"Greendale why'd you come in alone?" he asked "too scared you'll lose another partner"

He smiled realizing who it was "Michael Clifford you son of a bitch, I'm gonna shoot you straight in the head"

"Be my guest" he teased.

"You're nothing but a cowardly jerk!" A hostage yelled.

Michael turned around abruptly "you want to be shot?" He asked.

"You think you're a real badass don't you?" They asked.

"Son please, I've got this under control" Greendale said.

"No, no this ones special" Michael sneered "I've waited a long time for this Turner" he said aiming the gun at the hostage.

"Brady" Greendale said shaking his head.

"I dare you" Brady said bravely.

Michael fired the bullet.

Greendale pulled down on the trigger aiming for the floor. The noise shocked Michael.

He dropped his gun and Greendale dove for it. Michael bent down to pick it up but wasn't quick enough. Greendale held the gun to Michael's head.

"Freeze motherfu--"

"Chief! You okay?" Reynolds yelled from the entrance followed by Stacey and Mcgee.

"You're under arrest" Mcgee said running over with handcuffs.

"Shit" Michael said feeling the cold metal embraces of the cuffs.

"Stacey, that kids been shot! He needs help!" Greendale yelled.

"John you've got to be more careful" Reynolds said walking over to him.

"I know I know, go help Stacey I've got Clifford" Greendale said patting him on the back as he walked passed him.

"You know Brady?" Michael asked.

"He's good man, unlike yourself" he said dryly pushing Michael through the bank. Ambulance sirens squealed as they pulled into the parking lot.

An officer stood outside by Greendale's squad car holding his gun.

"Greendale we need help, this kids severely injured" Mcgee said thorough the radio.

Greendale looked up at the officer "here" he said handing Michael over and running back inside.

"Get in" the officer said pushing Michael into the back seat of the squad car.

He sighed looking down at his knees. He slowly looked up to see a pair of brown eyes looking at him in the rear view mirror "what?" He asked.

The eyes glanced away "nothing" a girl said "I like your hair..."

"You like my hair?" He asked.

"'s different..." She replied looking in the mirror again.

"Are you Greendale's daughter?" He asked.


"I'm Michael, but you can call me
Mikey babe"

"I'm Melissa and please never call me babe"

"okay, honey but what about princess? I feel like you could be called that or maybe baby girl"

She turned around to face him through the bars "what I see right now is you, you behind bars like you will always be" she stared at him "you know why? Because you're a heartless person. But maybe if you had the decency to not try and hit on me or call me pet names I would rethink that. I am a women not an item to be called a prissy name by a jackass" she whipped her hair around and sat forward.

"so you're a good girl huh?" He asked.

"Well yeah I guess so" she said "and you're a bad boy?" She asked.


Her father rushed out to the car and opened the drivers door "Melissa don't talk to him, let's go we'er meeting Brady at the hospital"

"Brady? What happened? Is he okay?" She asked frantically.

"I think so" Michael said from the backseat "I didn't really aim so"

"You're going with Mcgee" Greendale said to him. The backseat door opened up and Mcgee grabbed him.

"Bye babe" Michael winked "visit me sometime"

"For the love of God Mel I swear if you ever end up dating that boy I'm disowning you" her father said starting up the squad car.

"Don't worry I'd never do that" she said watching them take Michael away.

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