Chapter 18: Akumu's real name.

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Aoi's Pov.

As I watch Kaigaku struggling with the parks security, I turned around to see this old man who helped us. Thanks alot sir, I'm sorry you had to get involved with something so trivial. I thanked the old man as he bows aswell. Oh it's my pleasure. Besides it'd be rude for an uncle not to help out his nephew. The old man says as he grins to Zenitsu. Right? He asked as I looked at Zenitsu. Nephew....*GASP*. I couldn't help but be shocked as I turned to the old man. Your a relative of Zenitsu? I asked as the man shook my hand. My name is Agatsuma Kwan-Aku, I am charmed to meet you. Aku-San says as I was shocked

A few minutes after we met him, Aku-San would then invite us to sit at the lunch area. Ah yes, when I heard my dear brother passed away, I just had to take responsibility for my nephew. Aku-San points out as I wanted to hear more. But why didn't you allow my friend to contact us, we all thought he was dead? I asked as Aku-San can only wave his hand. I only used the methods I learned from my wife, Surround yourself with what you want to become. Aku-San says as he rubs his ring. I still miss her very much. Aku-San says as I see Zenitsu frown.

I don't know why he is acting like this, tre man is describing something sweet. So, why do you have Kwan as part as your last name, I don't think Zenitsu has Kwan right ? I asked as Aku-San just smiles. Kwan was my wife's last name, she was chinese, I thought it'd be nice. Aku-San says as I felt heart broken. But of course the name doesn't fit a Japanese like me, I just missed my best friend. Aku-San says as I patted his hand. Your a good person, so don't you worry about that little thing-*COUGH*COUGH*. Zenitsu was choking on something. Zenitsu you ok? I asked as Zenitsu looked at his uncle with a twitchy eye.

Aku-San would then tap on my shoulder and smile. I know this might be a bit hard to believe, but I never spent much time with him for the last couple of years so he is a bit cranky. Aku-San jokes as I got the message. I see what you mean. Id turn to Zenitsu and put my hands on my hips. You talk to him, or else I will pull your nose so hard you'll be looking like Rudolph. I said as I turn back to Aku-san. I'll get some food and give you two some privacy. I said as I got up. My god, what a doll. You are to good for him you know that!? Aku-San yells as he waved to me as Zenitsu frowns. I waved back from his refreshing attitude as I walked away.

No one's Pov.

After Akumu waves goodbye to Aoi, he blocks Zenitsu punch with his bare hands and would then proceeds to form rapid catching and light punches on Zenitsu's cheek. That lashing out bullshit slowed you down-*WOOSH*. Akumu says as Zenitsu then throws a desperate Haymarker. *THUMP*. But Akumu obviously has had enough as he then pins Zenitsu's face to the table. That's enough, boy. I just came here to eat crepes and talk. Akumu stated as Zenitsu was more frustrated. Your suppose to be fucking dead, why aren't you fucking dead?-*SHING*. Zenitsu grits his teeth after seeing a black blood blade coming out of Akumu's wrist.

He then looks up to see Akumu shrugging with a smile. Told you he wasn't a waist. Akumu says as Zenitsu calmed down a bit. Can we talk now before your girlfriend comes back? Akumu asks as Zenitsu sits uo straight. We are just on a date, we are not officially like that yet. Zenitsu points out as Akumu nods. Smart, taking time is something very useful in building a relationship. Akumu points out as Zenitsu chuckles. Since when are you the love expert? Zenitsu asks as Akumu starts speaking English. I got hoes in different area codes man. Akumu says as Zenitsu starts to speak English aswell. Same. He says as the two laugh a bit.

The tension eases up as Zenitsu notices something. You seem off? He points out as Akumu nods. I guess your hearing is getting better? Akumu points out as Zenitsu shrugs. Those shocks still hurts, I cant even sleep at night. Zenitsu says as Akumu nods. I know...I guess you deserve to know what's happening. Akumu says as he goes on a monolog. As you know, black blood has the abilities similar to demons. All but being killed. It's basically what the former demon king aimed for, true immortality. Akumu points out as Zenitsu nods. Yeah, right now I'm dealing with someone similar to you. Zenitsu says as Akumu nods in acknowledgement.

Akumu then continues his statement as he takes out a book. Unfortunately, black blood has its toll on the human body, as you slowly age everything just starts to pile up. My healing factor is starting to run dry, along with my organs. Akumu points out as Zenith's face lightens up. Your dying aren't you? Zenitsu asks as Akumu nods. When I was in the void know. I've basically used up most of time in there. That's why my eye didn't heal. Akumu says as he runs his finger down his cheek.

Zenitsu then chuckles as he points at Akumu. Serves you right, I'm glad scum like you can die. Zenitsu stated as Akumu laughs. Hahahaha. I completely agree. Akumu says as he ruined Zenitsu's moment.  After all, I get to see her again. Akumu says as Zenitsu chuckles. Like I'll beleive that you had a wife bullshit. Your a terrible person and I'm sure no woman would ever want to be apart of what you use to do. Zenitsu says as Akumu eyes were holding back something as he continues to play with his ring.

The old man then smiles as he decided to blurt out something. Zenitsu, I hope you understand why I did what I did. Akumu said as he gets up with his cane. Wait what do you mean by that? Zenitsu asked as Akumu smiled and teased him while wiggling his fingers. You'll seeeeeeee~. Akumu says as Zenitsu smacks the table. Goddammit, you old peice of shit, tell me what you did, or else I will shove that cane so far up your ass- Zenitsu! Aoi calls out as she rushes over with the food. I brought some funnel cake and curly fries, and a crepe for your uncle as well. Aoi says as Akumu eyes tears up with a smile.

He then takes the fries and bows to her. Oh, thank you, my dear, You are such a sweet girl, I'm surprised his sarcastic attitude was able to attract such a saint. Akumu jokes around as Aoi just smiles while Zenitsu's eye twitches. But I'm afraid I must take my leave elsewhere. Plus, I wouldn't want to intrude on your date now. Akumu says as Aoi smiles. Hope you make it back home safe, sir. Aoi says as her and Akumu bow to each other. He would then make his way to Zenitsu and have his arms open for a hug. No. Zenitsu shakes his head as Akumu nods. Come on, give your "uncle" some huggys. Akumu says as he knows that Zenitsu had to act on appearance.

The two then had a small embrace as Aoi just smiles and laughs while Zenitsu and Akumu continue to hug and prolong it with a side conversation. Hmm, I wonder what men talk about before leaving each other? Aoi wonders as we then get to hear the conversation these two are having with each other.

Zenitsu: I hate you with every pube in my body.

Akumu: Just like the amount pubes you have, you have nothing to hate me for.

Zenitsu: I'm soooo going to fucking kill you.

Akumu: Do it right now, no balls.... Literally.

Zenitsu: You lucky my girl is here or else I would have shoved my size 10 foot so far up your size 6 ass that you'd be my new uncomfortable shoe.

Akumu: Do you want me to make sure you have comdoms prepared for tonight. Who knows, the girl might need it.

Zenitsu: Watch your mouth, and don't talk about Aoi like that.

Akumu: Who says I was talking about her getting railed? Besides She is probably the man of the relationship anyway, so I should most likely buy XL for her before she rails you.

The two then separated as they both had the fakest smiles in history. See you later boy. Akumu says as Zenitsu grits his teeth and waves. Your uncle is so nice. Aoi says as Zenitsu laughs. HAHAHA OHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. He says as they continue with there date. Meanwhile Kaigaku was roaming down the street with a device in hand as he proceeds to pull up the demon slayer data base. Alright, time for me to go hunting for some pest. Kaigaku says as he pulls up the Kambako squads address.

A/N: I should get better at announcing Haitus. Anyways, if you have any Q/A's about anything so far, let me know.

To be continued.

Aoi x Zenitsu. Kimetsu No Yaiba Modern AU Fanfic, Love In Kimetsu High Where stories live. Discover now