Chapter 13: Last day on earth, Mengs Sikanu's end game plan.

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(Start of theme)

No one's Pov.

I'm the night sky of Tokyo a demon can be seen running on the roof tops, crawling with on all four as it constantly looks back at nothing. This man is insane, there were more then three of us yet he still killed them under a second. The demon thought to himself as he enters the alley way. A way out, finally! The demon thought to himself as he tried to use the manhole. *fwoosh*clank*. But a yellow throwing knife caught his attention as he looked around. But all he could see was the lights and the walls around him sohe was sweating buckets.

He then proceeds to take out two of his teeth as they transformed into daggers. Get back you pycho! I will kill you! The demon stated as he swings the tooth knives. *woosh*clank*Bam*. But suddenly a metal stick destroyed one of the lamps as that part of the alley way snow dark. *woosh*clankbam* *woosh*clankbam*. One by one the lights were being destroyed as the alley was getting darker. *woosh*clankbam*thump*. After the last light was out, Zenitsu can be seen cacthing his combat stick as the demon looked at the hooded figure with fear. Zenitsu then puts away the stick and proceeds to take out his sword, the demon was scared out of his mind as Zenitsu was walking close to him.

But as the demonturned away and started running, Zenitsu appeared in front of him with lightning flickering around him.*slash* AUGH*wham*. As he slits the demons throat with his blade and kicks him to his back. Zenitsu then proceeds to stomp his boot in the demon's chest as he took out and activated the taser end of the stick and starts whispering. I want information, your gonna give it to me. If you lie to me, trust me that I will know. And I will be very unhappy...for example- *ZAPPP* AHHHHHHHH. Zenitsu then shocked 200 volts in the demons side. He then stops as the Demon was sheading tears. There is a demon with a torn black hood, he uses a unique black blood demon art. Zenitsu then leans in closer making direct eye contact. What is his name? Zenitsu demanded as the demon begins to sweat.

But as a few seconds went by Zenitsu grew impatient as he was about to shock the demon. Wait, wait, don't! The demon said as Zenitsu looked back at him. I don't have a name, but I do know who your talking about. The demon said as he was slowly reaching for its knife. He is an odd demon, he won't usually kill women or children, but I have seen kill a pacific target. The demon explains as Zenitsu puts away hid botan stick. Keep going. Zenitsu demanded as he grew interested.

Random demon: One night, we were feasting on a homeless man near an apartment. There was an abusive husband that constantly hits his wife and daughter. The demon explains more as Zenitsu was trying to think. But as we saw the women running out of her apartment with her kid, the husband tried to attack them. We were gonna a eat them but that man in the torn hoodie showed up.

The demon explains s he was about to reach his knife. So he kills and eats family's? Zenitsu asked once more. But the demon shook his head. the complete opposite. He brutally murdered the husband. But he didn't eat him. The demon stated as Zenitsu got his foot off of him.

But he was still alert as he gripped his sword tightly. Why? Zenitsu asked as the demon slightly stood up straight. I can't explain it clearly, but after he killed the husband he then walked towards us with his crushed head and tossed it to us. Telling us to only eat him but leave the kid and the mom. The demon stated as he grabbed his tooth knife.


The demon yeleld put as Zenitsu easily grabbed his wrist and twisted it which easily made the demon turned his back. Thank you, I will make your death quick. As Zenitsu spun his blade, the demon only looked at him in fear with a sudden realization. These guys are the same person *SLASH*SPLAT*. That was his last thoughts before his blood splattered on the wall.

Aoi x Zenitsu. Kimetsu No Yaiba Modern AU Fanfic, Love In Kimetsu High Where stories live. Discover now