Chapter 17: Zenitsu's date and the birth of modern black blood

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Random body guards Pov.

I walked down the hall of our new base as the sounds of a spar is happening in the dome. Guess someone is traning pretty hard, but it's closing hours. Maybe they haven't realized that yet. I said to myself as I opened the door in complete disbelief.


Lord Akumu and Vessel were going at it. With Akumu easily avasing and slipping thru all the attacks. And Vessel was getting steamrolled as Akumu was managing to get past his defense. Vessel would then close in and use his shoulders to protect his body so lord Akumu won't be able to use his sword. *SLASH* WHAT THE HELL!! I yelled as I saw Akumu imedietly circling around vessel and countered him with a fast sword strike upwards. Did that do any damage? I asked myself as Vessel was ready to strike once more.


But his arm exploded with black blood, and his sword sliced in half, and yet Akumu signals him to continue. So vessel took control, and his entire arms would be covered in black blood and formed into a claw. SWORDS ONLY. Akumu ordered as Vessel turned the claws into black blood blades. Thunder breathing first form: Thunder clap and flash*WOOSH**SLASH*. I couldn't beleive my eyes. Lord Akumu is skilled I can give him that. Heck, he is one of the rare few to use Thunder breathing, but he shouldn't even be able to hit vessel with his attacks. Unless vessel is going easy on him.


But the gush of blood coming from the shoulder says otherwise, as Akumu gets into position once more for the same attacks. But Vessel was only charging forward, with the same move as Akumu lowers himself. But right now, he is only walking towards him as Akumu only slips his head to the side and lets go of his sword.

There was a moment of silence as the tension of the room grew thick. No way he lands a hit. I said as I would then Akumu coughing a bit as Vessel got on one knee. *Crack*. And that's when I noticed the crack in his face mask, then his black blood blades, and then finally, his entire body was gushing out blood as Akumu walked by him. You are still slow. You are not merely fast enough then you were in your prime. Akumu says as he knocks the tip of his cane against Vessel's jaw as he circles him. Now stand up and FIGHT. Akumu yells as he is going to stomp his foot on vessels head.

But Vessel avoided the boot and spins to his as he performed a cartwheel kick and would follow up with a spinning vertical black bladed elbow strike. *WAM* Much better. Akumu says after blocking the attack with his black cane as he holds up his lead hand.



And would counter with multiple speed punches leading to vessel producing a cloud of black blood as he drops to one knee. You can rest now, and I will take you on your first test mission tomorrow. Akumu says as Vessel tries to pick himself back up but would end up dropping to his knees in exhaustion. *cough*cough*. But in the end, it seems as if Akumu is receiving the other end of the battle.

He coughed up black blood and was now shaking as I ran to him. Uhh sir, are you okay? I asked, noticing the man that supplies my income looked sick. I am fine, I must take my leave now. Akumu says as he left. But as I turned towards the training room, Vessel was now beside me. The awkward tension between us grew as Ummm...sooo.....good work today. I said, trying to make conversation to a living killing machine. But Vessel only looks at my name tag as he pokes at it. Arth°•rit. He says as I only nod. Ye-yes. That is my name. I said as he looks up at me. Arth°•rit...arth°•rit...friend. Vessel says as I was left completely confused. Um yeah. I said as the realization hit me that I just made friends with a weapon.

Aoi x Zenitsu. Kimetsu No Yaiba Modern AU Fanfic, Love In Kimetsu High Where stories live. Discover now