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                  3. Like a family reunion

The more I watched at them jumping on the stage, I started to like them each minute more. Eevi was hyping them up, we were a bit further away from the stage and I didn't really recognize them, but the vibe was fire. I was smiling the whole time, and sometimes I just looked at them shocked when they did something unexpected.
"What do you think?" Eevi suddenly asked, their show was almost over by now.
I turned to look at my friend, and I couldn't stop smiling. She smiled too and apparently liked to see me like this. She put her hand around my shoulders and chuckled of all the happiness.
"They are amazing. And so crazy at the same time, where does that energy come from?" I asked amused while the last song started to play.
She just laughed and shook her head.
"That is their destiny. They love it the most. Can't wait for you to meet them." She leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Thank you!" The brunette singer shouted to the microphone, it was Eevi's brother. Now it was over, and I think that my heart is still beating faster than ever, and I felt dizzy.
"Oh lord..." I sighed and Eevi took my hand, and she started to lead me towards the bar. Santeri would pick us up from there. Eevi told me a bit about him, he's her old friend from school and also that bands tour manager. Very good friend to all of them. His other name is "angry tour manager", don't know what to except from that, but I guess he's just as crazy like all of them.
That's my doubt.

We have been waiting for five minutes, and I can see that I'm much more relaxed than before. I don't feel so nervous anymore, and those gazes others give us, I don't really care about them.
"There he is!" Eevi suddenly said smiling. I turned around, a brown haired man was coming closer to us with his sunglasses on. As he reached us, he hugged with Eevi. Now I felt that annoying feeling in my throat. Anxiety coming. I tried to be as normal and calm as possible.
"This is Saga, and here is Santeri." Eevi pointed us both, and we just smiled to each other.
"Hello, shall we go then? Boys are waiting, especially Olli." Santeri poked Eevi's shoulders and smirked.
As we walked different ways to the backstage, I saw how fast that man walked. We both had to fasten our steps. Well he's a tour manager, of course he has to walk fast to every place.
"The vibe can be.. what's the best word to describe it.. a chaos. Don't get scared of the stuff we're talking about." Santeri explained while we reached the area, and now we were finding the right place. I saw how Eevi just grinned next to me.
"Don't worry. I've heard a lot of confusing stuff." I just smiled shyly to him, and he only nodded and smiled too.

I started to hear a lot of talking, weird noices and so on. I turned my eyes on Eevi, and she only raised her eyebrows to me and smiled.
I guess we find the right place.
I saw shirtless men around me, I got confused at first, but I remember all the stuff Eevi has told me.
"Good evening ladies." Olli walked to Eevi and they immediately kissed and hugged. I started to feel extremely single and lonely around them, but I still was happy to see them.
"This is Saga." Eevi said with louder tone so they all could hear her. And they got silent right away, it made me nervous. So I just smiled at them.
How awkward is that.
"Eevi had told about you. It's nice to finally meet." Olli smiled to me. The way I saw how Eevi looked at his side profile.. even me who doesn't believe in anything, it made me believe in true love.
Then Olli landed his eyes on her, and I almost started melting right here.

"Well there's not much to tell about me." I chuckled quietly. For my luck they all started to focus on own things, and they all finally found their shirts on.
Someone walked next to me while I just kept standing in here, trying to look like I belong here.
"Here, take a beer." A blonde man handed me one, so I took it and smiled to him while I opened it.
"I'm Joonas. I heard you're the bridesmaid?" He continued. Shyly I turned my eyes back on him.
Sometimes it's hard for me to look at others in the eyes, I feel like they see my soul or something.
If I even have one.

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