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                   11. Leave me alone

When our short kiss ended, the man just smiled a bit and took my hand. He started to lead us outside of the bar, I could feel Joonas' eyes on me, but I didn't even look at his direction. I was still confused of how the man acted. The fresh air hit our faces when we were outside, he let go of my hand.
"Thank you for the night, but I think I have to go." He said and fixed his hair. He took a phone from his pocket, probably calling a taxi.
"Why you kissed me?" I asked and he lifted his head up. He smiled and let out a small chuckle.
"You wanted to make him jealous, that's why. And I think it worked, he's coming out of the bar." He pointed to the door, we were a bit further away from it. I quickly looked to the direction and I saw Joonas almost kicking the door open. I turned to look at the man again, he smiled. He gave me a hug.
"Play like I said something fun." He whispered to my ear while he kept staring at Joonas, so I started smiling then and made a fake chuckle.
He gave me the last look, and then started to walk away from me.

I kept standing in here, acting like I didn't see Joonas. But when the man was further away, I heard him walking closer to me.
"Saga, what is going on?" He asked and it made me look at him. My drunk ass started to mess with my legs and I felt dizzy, so I leaned against the building.
I gave him a questioning look.
"What? I had fun with him, like you had fun with your woman. What's wrong with that?" I asked, acting innocent. His face looked pissed.
He licked his lips and his hand went through his hair while looking at the man who was far away.

"Do you know him? What's his name?" He asked, his eyes looked weird. I frowned but still an amused smile was on my face.
Hard to tell any name because I don't know it. He doesn't know my name either. We were just strangers, talking and then making one man jealous.
Everyone does that, right?

"He's a dentist, plays golf.. why you care anyway? Go back to your woman, I'll go home." I sighed and almost started to walk, but my legs weren't working as I wanted them to. I had to take support from the wall, I almost fell. Joonas made fast moves and soon his hands were on my waist and wherever.
"Go away." I slapped his hands and immediately he let go of me. He let out a long sigh.
"You can't even stand on your own!" He sounded pissed. But soon we had company when Joel arrived to us, being confused. He frowned as he saw us.

"What's happening? Joonas you just left!" Joel said serious. But when I looked at him he recognized me, his face got neutral.
I just wanted my legs to work. Why I drank so much? I can't even walk on my own anymore.
I fucking hate myself now. Like always.

The silence just kept going, it started to get on my nerves.
"Both of you just leave! Fucking leave me alone." I snapped and took couple steps forward, still taking support from the wall.
This was probably looking like a bad drama comedy.
I could literally imagine how Joonas and Joel are looking at each other confused.
Then I felt pair of hands wrapped around me again, I got frustrated again and let out a loud groan.
Joonas was holding me, our eyes met and he looked serious. Inside of me I wanted to slap him on the face, don't know why but maybe I have some agression I didn't know about.
So uncontrollaby I lifted my right arm up, and I really tried to hit him but my moves were too slow so he got it what I was doing. Or trying to.
He took a tight grip of my wrist before it was too late and he frowned.

"Don't touch me you asshole! Go back to your whore and let me fucking be alone." I shouted mad and he flinched a bit, probably got shocked of my reaction.
He let go of me and took couple steps back, Joel was still standing there confused. I looked away when Joonas said something to Joel, I didn't listen.
I didn't care.
I felt my eyes getting wet because of the tears, but I managed to keep them away. For now.

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