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5. One of the worst mornings

I flinched awake when I heard a glass hitting the floor. I rubbed my eyes and I had to think for a moment that where I am. This is not my bed, not my room. I looked myself and I had a shirt on, it wasn't mine. Slowly I got up, I didn't have pants. The shirt was so big that it covered my butt and everything, but still, I have no pants! Luckily it was pretty long so it looked like a dress.
I didn't saw my clothes anywhere when I looked around. The headache was killing me, and I was also sweaty. I looked myself through a big mirror, my hair was wild.
I don't remember much from last night, but I remember one person. And this is his apartment.
I have no idea why I'm here.
I decided to walk out from the room and face the man.
The apartment was small and cozy.
I saw him, the blonde man. He was cleaning those pieces of glass that were on the floor. He was cursing by himself.

When he got up from the floor and put those glasses on some bag, he turned around and maybe got scared a bit when he saw me standing here.
"Morning. Didn't saw you there, did I wake you up?" He questioned and poured coffee for himself. He showed me the coffee pot for a sign that do I take, so I just nodded. He took another mug from the cabinet.
"Yeah.. but it was time to wake up anyway." I mumbled with my raspy voice while my gaze wandered around, probably looking for my pants.
"Where is my pants?" I just decided to ask and it made him stop for a moment to think.

"A funny thing when we came here last night." He started and chuckled a bit.
"Uhm.. you found a wine bottle from the kitchen table that I had there, you decided to open it and well.. you accidentally poured it all over your clothes." He smirked and tried not to laugh, I just closed my eyes and shook my head.
Why am I always so clumsy? Why the heck I had to open the bottle?

"Fuck.. did we.. do something..?" I asked carefully and nervous while I pointed the space between us.
He stared at me for a moment in silence, until he shook his head.
"No, don't worry." He said and took a seat. I nodded in relief and slowly took a seat too, I put my hand around the warm mug.
I felt so stupid again. I feel so.. embarrassed.

"Was it expensive wine?" I scratched my neck while I stared the black coffee in front of me.
He just chuckled and it made me look at him.
He took a sip of his coffee before he said anything.
"Olli bought it to me couple days ago. Sometimes he just gives me those wines that he likes. For my lonely nights." He smirked and stared me with those blue eyes. I freezed for a moment until I realized we had an eye contact. So I cleared my throat and looked away.
We were silent for a while, it was awkward. Or at least for me. He decided to stand up and walked to the bathroom, he showed me my clothes.
"I can put these to the washing machine, are you busy?" He asked and I felt so nervous. He really doesn't need to do that. But I don't have any pants to wear.. so how I'm supposed to go home? Maybe Eevi would help me and bring me some of her pants?
No.. that would be just weird.
I don't want to spent any more time in here that I have to. No, I'm not busy because I have no life, but do I want to wait here in his apartment in his clothes? And we met the first time last night.
This is just weird.

"No.. or.. uhm maybe I just call to Eevi, we're the same size anyway." I mumbled and stood up to look for my phone.
I found it in my bag that was on the hallway, with my hangover shaking hands I took the phone and searched for Eevi's number. Joonas was just leaning against the wall, still holding my clothes in confusion.
I pressed her name on the screen and immediately it started to call. I pressed the phone on my ear.
This is going to sound so weird. Like hey, come to your boyfriend's bandmate's house because I slept here and I have no pants or shirt.
And why don't you have pants or shirt, Saga? Well shit because I'm an idiot and I poured wine all over to them drunk as hell.

"Hey..." I heard Eevi's very tired and hangover voice from the other side of the phone. Quickly I looked at Joonas who stared my clothes.
"Sorry to interrupt your sleep but.. can you come to Joonas' apartment? And bring some pants and shirt with you that I can put on. No questions now." I sighed deeply and Eevi was so silent after what I just said. I just heard her breathing and Olli mumbling something next to her.

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