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                 7. Their love was passionate

"Maybe my best memory with my mom was when I was seven. We were in our summer cottage, it was warm night. She told me stories about her childhood, she was risky person and always doing things her parents told her not to. We were sitting in a pier, I was so short then that my feet didn't reach the water, but her did. She told me to be quiet for a moment and we both didn't move. We watched to the bright water, in minutes there came small fishes, and I was so excited about them. One of them tasted my mom's feet and it made us chuckle. Then she took me into a hug and told me that she loves me more than anything else in this world. In that moment we both were happy, in peace." I told them while my eyes stared the wine glass I had in front of me.
I smiled very little bit when I was remembering that moment, and I was also suprised that I talked about my mom in front of them.

It was silent and I started to look around, they all stared their wines and had a smile on their face.
Then I felt Eevi's touch on my shoulder and she stroked it, smiling to me.
Then she cleared her throat and looked at her phone, it was almost 8pm.
"Let's take the bills, it's late and this place is closing in thirty minutes." She looked at us all and we only nodded. Olli raised his finger to the waiter who was a bit further away from us.
I started to dig my wallet from my bag, but someone interrupted me.
"I'll pay yours too, don't worry." Joonas said across from me and I stared at him in confusion.
I almost opened my mouth but he already paid. I just let out a sigh and looked at him.
"You didn't had to.. but thank you." I smiled and he only nodded.

We walked out of the restaurant, and it was about to get cold. Shivers runned down my body and I tried to hide it.
While Olli, Eevi and Joonas walked to the car I just kept standing in here, looking around.
"I think I'll walk home." I said and took couple steps to the direction where I live. Eevi and Joonas turned around and Olli just sat on the car already, probably he's very tired from the long day. Eevi walked up to me and gave me a hug.
"Are you sure?" She frowned and I just nodded and gave her a smile.

"The fresh air is good for me now." I inhaled in and out the air, she nodded and wished me good nights, I did the same. I saw how Joonas stood in front of the car and he clearly had some decisions to make while Eevi sat on the passenger seat. I heard Olli's voice from the car when the door was open that is he coming.
I just smiled to them and turned around, starting my journey towards my home.
It was cold in here and it was confusing, but what can I except from the summer in Finland. First is hot as hell and in the next moment is cold like in winter.
And let's not forget those rainy days.

I heard some running steps coming closer to me, and then they stopped next to me.
I looked a bit to my left and there he walked next to me, giving me a smile.
"I don't want you to walk home alone." He explained and put his hands on his leather jacket pockets.
"So the monsters don't eat me? You know I think I look more scary than you do, so they probably eat you first." I said smirking and he let out a small chuckle, nodding.

"Hey, take this." He suddenly said and took off his jacket, I wanted to refuse but it really was cold in here. So I just took it and smiled to him, putting it on.
He looked at me amused, yes this jacket is very big to me. But it was comfy, and smelt just like him.

"Looks good on you." He pointed out as we kept walking, slowly.
We got few long looks from other people, it made me a bit nervous. What if they took pictures? What if they see that I'm wearing his leather jacket, and they think that we are a couple?
Which we're not. And will not be. Why am I thinking about this? Should I just say to everyone who walks towards us that we're just friends. Are we even that?
This is the third time we see each other, I don't think that it can be called friendship. Or I don't know.

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