CHAPTER 4: Sir, This Is My Emotional Support Mentor

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"Your internships start in a week. For this all-important decision, I'll be handing out personalized lists to those who were drafted. You may choose from among those who scouted you. For those who were not drafted, the list I just passed out contains forty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns. You will choose one from that list. Each has a different specialty and region. Give your choice some real thought." Aizawa explained. After you all picked your hero names (or at least... most of you), your homeroom teacher elaborated on how you would choose your agency. You were so excited!! I still can't believe three whole agencies liked my performance! Oh, Auntie's gonna flip when I tell her!

"I'm going for major crimes in the big city!"

"I'd like a place where I can deal with floods. Wonder if they've got that."

"Submit your choices by this coming weekend." Aizawa suddenly piped up, still nonchalantly passing out papers to each column of students. Your eyes widened, as you and your classmates let the statement sink in.

"We've only got two days to pick?!" You let out a shaky breath as you read through your three agencies. The Fly wouldn't be a bad choice, but- You blinked in surprise when you saw a familiar name listed on the page. You immediately went up to your teacher.

"Um, Mister Aizawa?"

"What is it, Kurusu?"

"Yeah, so, uh, if we have to travel far away for our internships, does the school cover those expenses?" You asked meekly, embarrassed that your financial situation had to be brought up yet again... Yikes.

"Everything will be paid for either out of your pocket or the agency's." He replied simply. You nodded and verbally expressed your gratitude before returning to your seat. Guess that means interning with BP is off the list... Dang it! I was excited to see her again, too!! Ah! Then, your eyes finally fell onto the last name on the list.

!! Your pupils transformed into stars. It has to be this one!

"(Name), have you decided on an agency yet?" Yaoyorozu turned around to face you, curious if you had chosen a course of action in regard to your internship. You nodded eagerly.

"I sure have! I'm gonna put the Oscorp Agency as my top choice!" You replied excitedly. Yaoyorozu blinked in surprise, her eyes widening.

"Like the leading chemical manufacturing firm?" You nodded enthusiastically yet again.

"Mm-hmm! One and the same! Gah, I can't believe they sent me an offer! I'm so psyched! Oh! Have you decided where you're going yet, Yaoyorozu?" You tilted your head, an interested expression on your visage. She stiffened, suddenly finding herself undeserving of your attention. (Wack behavior on her part, honestly.)

"I'm... still sifting through the agencies, but I'm glad to hear that you've made your decision." She responded carefully. You hummed, taking her words into consideration.

"Well, I know that you'll be an incredible asset to whichever agency is lucky enough to be chosen by you! I'm rootin' for ya, hon!" You chirped, sending a reassuring beam her way. Yaoyorozu felt her cheeks flush at the visual.

"(Name)." A surprisingly stern voice called out your name, making you jolt in your chair. You turned to see Iida standing beside your desk, a familiar container in his hands.

"Oh! Hiya, Iida! Have you chosen your agency yet?" You asked chipperly, your bright grin almost blinding. Too bad Iida was really going through it and didn't notice. How unfortunate.

"Yes, but I'm here to return this to you. Thank you very much for the dorayaki, it was delicious." Your eyes lit up at the praise.

"Oh, I'm so glad! I was worried you guys wouldn't like it, since your palate is so much more refined than mine, hehe." You bashfully rubbed the back of your neck. Ahh they liked it! They actually liked it! I'm so happy!!

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