CHAPTER 9: Exams!

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"Okay, that's it for class. There's only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right?" Aizawa looked out to his students, receiving a few too-happy-to-be-trusted faces in return, and sighed before continuing.

"I'm sure you already know this, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all." He finished before he stepped out, leaving the door open for you to slip through right behind him, an act which you immediately thanked him for. You had asked for permission to go to the library after his lecture was done, and he granted it to you.


"I didn't study at all!! Between the sports festival and the internship, it totally slipped my mind!!" Kaminari was going through it right alongside Ashido and Tokoyami with respect to the upcoming final exams. After all, they were ranked in the bottom half of the class, which wasn't where they dreamed to be, by any means. However, the trio certainly wasn't alone in their worries.

"Midterms were, well... we haven't covered much since starting school, so they weren't all that tough. But now we've had all these other events... I think the finals're gonna be much harder..." Sato lamented, and Koda nodded nervously beside him.

"Sucks that there's gonna be a practical exam, too." Mineta said smugly, crossing one leg over the other as he rested his cheek on his fist. That smug, unbothered bastard.

"We thought you were one of us! One of usss!"

"Guys like you are only lovable when you're morons! There's just no demand for whatever you actually are...!!"

"Such is life." Mineta said, unapologetically. Bleh.

"Ashido, Kaminari! Let's try the best we can! It'd be great if we can all go to the training camp together, right?!" Midoriya tried his best to encourage them by tapping into their actual wants and desires, and Iida chimed in to provide some backup.

"Yes!" Iida said, karate chopping the air.

"Haven't you been attending class? How could you possibly fail?" Todoroki piped up monotonously, which was... less than helpful for the struggling students.

"Words hurt, ya know!!" Kaminari snapped, grabbing at his chest. From her seat, a certain top-tier student heard the dilemma her classmates were facing, and found the courage to extend an olive branch.

"You two... If it's academics you need help with, I could lend you a hand." Yaoyorozu offered, a hand over her sternum in an attempt to keep careful watch over her increasing heart rate. She was still very doubtful of her own abilities, but she could hit the books like no other!

"Momooooo!!" Kaminari and Ashido whined in grattidue, running up to her desk. The rich girl's face then went sour.

"The practical exam, on the other hand, is a different story..." She mumbled to herself, which caught Todoroki's attention. ? What's her deal? Insecurities, dear Todoroki. Insecurities.

"I'm not as bad off as them, but... how about helping me, too? Quadratic functions are kind of tripping me up." Jirou spoke up, fingers twitching around a notebook titled "boo variables boo numbers" so helpfully.

"Help me out, too! You're good with Kanji, right, Yaoyorozu?" Sero interjected, hands clasped together in a prayer gesture.

"Me, too?" Ojiro raised his hand anxiously, poking out from beside Sero. Yaoyorozu's face warmed up with excitement at the prospect of helping her classmates, and she stood straight up.

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