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disclaimer: some conversations may seem insensitive at first in this chapter, but for all that is holy, please finish reading the interactions before jumping to conclusions! also, i tried busting out my * humor * chops for this chapter, so i hope y'all enjoy it!

also, i'm kinda putting my heart on my sleeve with this one, so pretty please (with a cherry on top) be kind!

After leaving the hospital, you immediately resumed your internship with the Green Goblin. You wanted to learn as much as you could in the last two days of this irreplaceable opportunity! As did Todoroki with Endeavor. Coincidentally...

"Funny bumping into you like this, Endeavor!" Your mentor laughed in a chipper fashion. Ever since the incident, you had been much more appreciative of his disposition, even if he was being harder on you than usual (and rightfully so, of course, considering you did recklessly break the law; however, his leading scientist - the woman you had saved - had also just sent in her resignation, which... didn't make him feel the greatest, but he was fine, totally fine). His chuckles just brightened your day! Endeavor, on the other hand, scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Nothing funny about it. Our patrol paths crossed." He replied gruffly. You sweatdropped at the dry response. At least Todoroki's not intentionally rude like that! Speaking (read as: thinking) of the devil...

"Oh, Arachnia. Nice to see you again." Todoroki said as he stepped out from behind his father. He pocketed his phone and walked towards you, attention now fully on you. You grinned sweetly at him, nodding enthusiastically in agreement.

"Lovely to see you again as well, Shouto!" You piped up. The aforementioned lad felt his face flush at your use of his first name (not that it manifested physically of course; that would have been too easy!); however, it was his hero name, he made sure to sternly remind himself. Nonetheless, he quite enjoyed the way his name sounded when you were the one saying it. Hmm. Wack.


Meanwhile, across the street...

"How dare they..." A sketchy figure seethed, hands twitching as he gripped his thighs in frustration. He was watching two young heroes interact with each other so freely, so unreservedly, without a care in the world.

"How come they got to meet Lord Stain... and I didn't..." He snarled to himself, anger reaching the tipping point as he witnessed the two heroic duos bidding farewells and parting ways. It was now or never, he thought to himself.

He leaped forward and threw his hands out, eyes narrowed right at the young son of Endeavor before his gaze was redirected at the Green Goblin's most recent intern. I'll make them pay...!


After saying your goodbyes to your dear pal and his father, you turned to resume patrolling with your mentor. While Norman seemed to be perfectly content with sharing information gained from your prior patrol route, Endeavor sure as hell did not feel the same way. In fact, you were very uncomfortable with the energy he brought to the studio (read as: the situation) that day.

Something is headed towards Todoroki.

You immediately whipped back around and thrust yourself into action. You ran towards the peppermint-haired boy, a mere moment before Endeavor seemed to wise up. However...

*Skuff* You had already shoved your classmate forward, the latter stumbling unceremoniously (rather uncharacteristic of him, honestly). You managed to only stagger a couple of steps forward, catching yourself with a hand flying to your forehead in time with the sudden onslaught of a woozy sensation. What... just happened? What was gonna hurt Todoroki?

WHAT'S UP, DANGER? (Various!My Hero Academia x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now