CHAPTER 8: Army of Two

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After lunch time came and went, the rest of the day was pretty uneventful... until the last class rolled around. Oh, boy.

You were all clumped together before a large dome-shaped building, with a large screen on the front of it.

"Hello, zygotes!" You blinked at All Might's greeting. Did he... just call us... zygotes? You resisted the feminine urge to correct his incorrect use of the scientific term and allowed him to keep on keeping on.

"Today is a very special day! We received equipment from a generous donor to start up a new kind of simulated exercise for you all to do!" Your eyes lit up with excitement. Oh, how I love the kindness of random people with too much money on their hands! Thank you, upper class! Meanwhile, your classmates were all on edge. Which was, of course, very valid considering the first time they had to do a rescue exercise, they were attacked by villains. (But if they hadn't gone through that, they wouldn't have been able to meet you, so... silver linings, they supposed.)

Iida shot his hand up to poke at his instructor's words, as he was wont to do. "Sir! Is this like the USJ, too?!" All Might continued, now holding a box in his hands.

"Ah, yes, actually! However, due to some unforeseen... truculence, the area we had in mind for today is currently undergoing repairs! But, this will be somewhat similar to the contraptions used at the USJ, but because this equipment was originally designed for emergency responders, we can more closely replicate specific real-life situations. For example..." He gestured to the large screen, which immediately showed an awfully disastrous scenario. You gasped at the presentation.

Depicted on the screen was a mountain range with numerous burning trees, near an area resembling what you assumed to be arid plains, if the scarce amount of plants was anything to go by. But there weren't very many buildings, only two large structures in the center of the area that were a fair distance apart, and then some medium-sized buildings littered around the edge of the fake city.

"However, since this equipment is essentially a prototype, the donor requested a trial run before we fully implement it into our curriculum. For that, we'll draw lots to see who the two lucky pairs are! First up is..." He fished his hand around in the box, and you watched with visible excitement. From beside you, Kaminari literally froze up from how freaking adorable you were being. Why does she have to be so precious?! It's hard for me to focus when she's... well, whenever she's doing literally anything. He internally cursed his own heart that was so susceptible to belonging to such a cutie. But honestly, who could blame him?

An eager "aha!" alerted you and your classmates to your instructor holding the cube.

"Haha! First up is Young Kurusu! Her partner will be..." You gasped to yourself as you made your excited noises in anticipation and suspense... quietly, of course! (Yeah, "quietly.")

"Young Bakugou is the other member of Team A!" You immediately appeared next to Bakugou, jubilation present on your face.

"Yay, we're partners! Oh, this is so exciting!" You cheered beside him, happily clapping in celebration of the announcement. Your teammate only scoffed and crossed his arms, childishly looking away from you.

"Who would get excited over partner work? You don't see me actin' like such an idiot."

"Well, maybe you're just not excited to work with me. Ah, how unfortunate! I can see if we can switch to make you more comfortable-" You offered, but he was quick to correct your straight-up idiotic thought process.

"I never said that!" He snapped, making you stiffen with a surprised yelp. Then your shoulders sank in time with the release of a tired sigh.

"I'm getting mixed signals here." He's so hard to read sometimes!! It's like I'm looking at a traffic light that's stuck on greed and red at the same time!!

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