CHAPTER 10: Let's Get Practical!

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*Soft Purr* Before the next match began, you heard a low purring sound from above. You looked up to see Lucas perched above your forehead. Your pupils transformed into hearts at the sight of your eight-legged friend.

"Why hello there, Sir!" You chipperly greeted your pal with a giggle, holding your palms out flat for him to walk on. Which he did happily! He hopped onto your welcoming hands, and you slowly and carefully lowered him down.

"Nice to see you again, Lucas~" You greeted him, and he eagerly rubbed his cephalothorax against your cheek. You giggled at the ticklish sensation.

"You named him?" Uraraka squeaked out, not really liking the sight of the creature in your hands. Freaky!! She shuddered to herself. You blinked, somewhat disappointed by her reaction, but you certainly weren't surprised by it. You nodded, a smile still on your face.

"Yup! This is my little buddy! He was actually in my fight before the others came, so we're in it for the long haul now, haha!" You explained his little backstory, then pondered your next move.

"Would you guys like to pet him?"

"Oh, th-thanks, but I'm good!" Uraraka managed, refusing right off the bat. You pouted softly; you had hoped against hope that she would change her mind. Aw, man! I thought Lucas's charm would pull her in! You gave Lucas a little comforting scratch along his cephalothorax.

"I understand, spiders aren't for everybody, hehe." You chuckled nervously to yourself, then turned to Midoriya. You had a fond and, dare he say, hopeful grin on your face.

"No pressure, 'Zuku, but this little guy is quite the charmer!" You tacked on a little chuckle at the end of your offer before lightly nudging him with your elbow, and Midoriya gulped. On one hand, I don't want (Name) to feel ashamed of her power or be upset with me, especially when she looks... how she looks right now (adorable, he meant to mentally add here, adorable), but on the other hand... He looked at the eight (!!) eyes on that bad boy (affectionate) and shook a little bit. Man, that's scary!!

"You can say no, it's not gonna hurt my feelings. Only one person has ever said yes to this offer before, actually, so it's fine-" You tried to reassure him, but after hearing that only one person had ever taken you up on it, he sucked in a breath and stuck his hand out rigidly. Lucas retreated towards you a bit, which made you worry. You gently caressed the area above his eyes to calm him down.

"Nopeit'sfineIwannadoit!" He said, without pausing once. You raised a brow at him.

"Are you... sure about that?"

"Positive!" He squeaked out. You blinked before gently taking his hand in your own. His face flared up at the contact. Maybe this was the right decision to make after all.

"We can stop at any time, you know. Consent is important!" You reminded him of the power of consent as you slowly moved his hand closer to Lucas, who was now much more chill after receiving more pets from you.

(Needless to say, your words sent his mind places... if only he wasn't so scared out of his mind right now.)

"You have to let them come to you. They're used to hunting, so they're very wary of other creatures, especially ones that are bigger than them. So, let him get curious..." You explained softly as Lucas blinked his watchful eyes at your friend before inching closer. Your boy seemed to evaluate Midoriya's hand before finally crawling on it. Midoriya's spine went straight as an arrow. (This, ironically enough, was the only straight thing about the lad.)

"Eep!" He squeaked out, and you winced. I told him he didn't have to!! You quickly went on to try and ease his anxieties.

"'Zuku, you don't have to do this-"

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