CHAPTER 6: Actually, can I have five more of these little blonde b*tches?

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Ah, your final day at OSCORP Tower had arrived at long last. You were sad to see it end, despite how crazy your last few days had been. In fact, you had literally just gotten back to the tower after a quick morning train ride (paid for by none other than Todoroki, despite your multiple attempts to refuse the offer), only to pack up your stuff and say your farewells! Truly unfortunate.

"Thank you for everything, Sir!" You conveyed your most heartfelt sentiments as you bowed deeply to your mentor. Norman smiled kindly at you, ruffling your hair a bit to show his paternal affection. He had missed having you around, that was for sure; and he would miss your presence even more in the future, he guessed.

"Try to stay outta trouble, alright? I mean it." While his farewell began lightheartedly, you could tell that he was genuinely trying to ensure that you didn't recklessly act out again. Yikes!

"I'm all over it, Sir! You can count on me to be a model citizen from here on out!" You saluted him, and he smiled fondly at you in response. However, when you went to actually leave the building out of that same revolving door you walked through on your first day, he spoke up again.

"Wait!" He blurted out, causing you to turn around and regard him with an inquisitive look.

"Y-Yes, Sir?" You asked, turning around to face him fully, your arms still holding your costume container. He bent down to pick up a bag that was placed at his feet and reached inside of it.

"I... wanted to give you something before you left - a gift. I know that we weren't around each other a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, but..." He pulled out a sweatshirt. It was military (which, as a force, was gross considering how, along with many despicable things, they preyed upon low-income households such as yours... not that they ever got very far with recruiting the Kurusu line, but still-) green and had "OSCORP Industries" printed in nice letters. Ugh, this font was giving. But while you were fawning over the article of clothing, Norman shook it out of its previously folded state and swung it around you. He then gently placed the hood part over your head. It accidentally slipped a little too far over your face and started to cover up your eyes, so you adjusted your grip on your costume container so you could use your thumb and the side of the middle part of your pointer finger to inch it up, peeking out from underneath the hem of the hood. You felt your pupils dilate from the almost overwhelmingly comforting sensation. Wowie, this is soft!!

"I'm gonna miss having you around, kid. I really am. You're incredible, don't forget that." Your eyes softened as you averted your gaze to the floor in response to his kind (and true) words.

"Although, it's probably too hot outside for a hoodie, so..." He trailed off as he pulled out a t-shirt. It was a crème-colored shirt with a more retro design; it still had "OSCORP Industries" printed on it, but it was in a dark green and had atom rings surrounding it that were colored a lighter green. Long story short: it was (Name)core.

*Cough* You tore your gaze away from the articles of clothing to focus on your mentor, who had coughed into his fist to get your attention. (Of course, the cough was fake, but he still used antibacterial gel after because even breathing on hands could spread germs!) Nevertheless, he continued.

"I know that work studies are for second-year students, but I... I see a lot of potential in you, (Name) Kurusu, I really do. So, I hope that you'll keep me in mind in the future and no pressure, of course, if you change your mind or anything like that. I-I want you to do what you want, and-oof!" He was cut off by you setting your container on the floor and then suddenly throwing your arms around his waist. The hug caught him by surprise, but he smiled softly at you before returning the embrace.

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