CHAPTER 5: Oxiclean vs (Name): Who Gets Rid of Stain(s) Better?

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"Ready for another day of patrolling, (Name)?" Gwen asked with a lopsided smirk on her face as she poured some coffee into her mug. Your heart seized up at the question and you nodded excitedly. She suppressed a breathy chuckle at your visible elation. You really were too cute to handle.

"Yes, Ma'am!" She released a shaky sigh at your use of the respectful term yet again. She really doesn't have to keep referring to me like that... It makes me feel so old! Cue existentially induced stress noises from Gwen, which made you squeak in mortification.

"Oh, zut alors! Ah, I'm sorry, Miss Stacy, I totally forgot-" Your new pal hid her face in her hands out of utter anguish.

"I think that's even worse." She mumbled from within her palms. She then groaned in faux, exaggerated agony before returning her hands to their original position around her mug. You noticed that the large cup had some words on it. "DON'T TALK TO ME UNTIL I'VE HAD MY COFFEE," it read in large letters. You pointed at the words, causing Gwen to raise an eyebrow.

"Is that your mug?" You asked, genuinely curious. That turn of phrase did not really fit with the blonde's whole persona, you thought to yourself. She chuckled softly to herself as she stirred in some creamer to make her drink more manageable.

"Yeah, but I didn't buy it. Bossman got it for me a while back and I never really had the heart to throw it out." She explained. Ah. Your eyes lit up with understanding. Yeah, that makes more sense. She then snapped her fingers, catching your attention once more instantly.

"That reminds me. He told me about your goal for this week, have you given it much thought?" She asked with sincerity in her expression. She really was curious about how you were taking in everything the internship could offer. After all, she started out with an internship not unlike the one you were currently undergoing, and now she was on the road to becoming the head scientist on a project of her own creation! ... At least, that was the dream. Nonetheless, you nodded excitedly.

"Oh! Yes, Miss-"

"Gwen, (Name), call me Gwen." She swiftly corrected you, making you yelp in only mild mortification. You hurriedly continued on with your explanation.

"R-Right! Sorry, Gwen! Anyways, I have! Given it some thought, I mean. Quite a lot, actually-"

"Great to hear!" It would seem that today was "OSCORP Employees Interrupt (Name) Kurusu Day," huh?

"Good morning, Sir!" You chirped as Norman walked into the dining room and snatched a bagel with an eager glint in his eyes. He then waved at you and Gwen.

"Good morning, (Name)!" He responded just as cheerfully, which you appreciated. You were here for your mentor's positive disposition. It meshed so well with your own!

"Oh, yeah! Gwen, Kilometers is here for ya." Norman said as he began sipping on his own steaming beverage. The aforementioned gal furrowed her brows at his statement.

"What?" She asked, unknowingly voicing your own sentiments.

"That guy you like." Gwen's cheeks reddened immediately and she began packing up her stuff. How unfortunate, considering how curious you now were. Oh, man! I wanna know!! That boy is so lucky!!

"I don't like anyone, that's gross. Actually, speaking of gross, you have created an inappropriate work environment here and I will be filing a proper complaint." She stiffly declared as she practically teleported out of the room. Despite her words, you could see a clear hint of excitement in her beautiful blue eyes. Norman only smiled smugly before sipping more of his coffee.

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