ʚ part 2: chapter 1 ɞ

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Nathan's POV

"I just don't understand you, Nathan! I never do! First, you begin to rebel. Then, you turn into a faggot. And then you left your mother and I, and now this? This! What is this?" the older Asian man yelled at Nathan. He paced around the hospital room, opening his mouth to speak before snapping it shut again.

"You tried to kill yourself! To take your own Goddamn life! And for what reason?" the man yelled, startling Nathan. "You're so selfish. How dare you try to take your own life! Your mother brought you into this world and--"

"Can you shut up for a fucking moment? Just leave. I don't want you here!" Nathan snapped, not being able to sit quietly while his father attempted to guilt trip him. "I'm d-done," he said, voice breaking. "I'm fucking done with this shit. Just go. I don't want to see you."

His father - Michael - stopped pacing the room and began to rub his eyes. "You don't get to be selfish. Not right now, not ever--"

"I'm not being selfish! You're being selfish! I just want to be alone yet here you fucking are, yelling at me because I hurt myself. I didn't hurt you. Why the hell do you care now? Huh? Why!"

Michael blinked, confusion settling onto his eyes. "What do you mean why now--"

Nathan laughed. He threw his head back and began laughing so hard, his stomach began aching. "What do I mean? You and mom never cared about me. Fucking, never! All you cared about was money and good grades. Never once had you asked me if I was okay, if I needed a break, anything! No - it was all 'Do this, Nathan' and, 'Do that'! You never thought about how I would feel, did you?"

When Michael tried to say something, Nathan shook his head and continued.

"No, you never did. Because you're a selfish motherfucker who doesn't deserve to be called a fucking father. And now all of a sudden you think you can come to me and begin yelling at me for something that doesn't fucking concern you? Go the fuck away. I don't want to see you. I wish you could just fucking disappear!"

The silence that lingered felt dark. It was dark.

Nathan and Michael have never had a good relationship together. Michael was his step-father, he had married Nathan's mother when Nathan was just a newborn. He never once cared about Nathan's feelings. No, to him, Nathan was a monster. After all, he wasn't his child. He was the child of some rando. And there was no way he would raise a child that wasn't his.

He still wasn't a good father to Lena - who actually was his child. Yeah, he was a bit better to her than he was to Nathan, but that wasn't enough.

A few long seconds later, Michael's phone rings. He answers it with a tense sigh. "Hello? ...Yeah, I'm with him right now. Room 514...Are you sure you want her to stay here for hours? I mean, the kid's sick and I don't think he can look after her...Why can't we just get her a babysitter? ...Okay, okay. Calm down." After speaking nonsense into the phone, he hung up and looked at Nathan with a pitiful yet unreadable look.

"Lena's coming. She wanted to stay with you, if you don't mind. We'll obviously pick her up once visiting hours end."

"She wants to stay with me, or do you and your wife just not want to take care of her?"

Michael burned with anger. He was about to make a snarky reply before he reminded himself that it was Nathan laying on the bed, not him. It wasn't his place to get mad with the person who had just tried to take his own life.

Nathan inhaled, choking a bit on his spit. "I don't care that you weren't there for me, I really don't. I don't care about any of that - just please, for the love of fucking God, take care of her. Give her attention and love, spoil her to bits. Don't make the same mistake you made with me."

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