Chapter 2

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The first thing Thea noticed when she woke up was the soreness between her legs. The throbbing ache was uncomfortable but it wasn't anything she couldn't manage.

She slowly peeled open her eyes, realizing the change in surroundings before the migraine hit her. She groaned out loud, turning to the side but immediately froze when she saw the man lying next to her. The breath she had inhaled had been caught in her throat, causing her to choke on her breath.

Last night's event came crashing down on her and she swallowed the lump of regret in her throat. Now that she was sober, she realized that she had handled the breakup much worse than she should've.

The sound of his soft snoring filled her ears, his chest rising and falling. He looked peaceful sleeping and she couldn't help but admire the man before her. Her hands itched to run a hand through his light tousled hair but she resisted.

Her mouth dry with thick saliva and the aftertaste of alcohol from last night remained. Her skull was pounding with a headache, a constant reminder of last night's bad decisions.

"Aw, shit." She cursed under her breath once she realized that she was going to be late. Silently and carefully crawling out of the bed away from the sex god of a man, she began desperately searching the floor for her clothes. Her head was pounding but she ignored it, finding the mini dress she had worn last night. Quickly pulling on the dress, she began looking for her panties which were nowhere to be found. After some time, she found the skimpy lace thong, which had somehow ended up under the bed.

She then manoeuvred her way to the bathroom, managing to not trip over anything. After the countless amount of times Thea had to endure these horrible hangovers, she was already used to them by now but they were still a major pain in the ass.

She reached out, finding the light switches to the bathroom and flicked on the lights. Wincing at the sudden change in lighting, she blinked rapidly as her eyes slowly began to adjust to the view in front of her.

For a split second, she almost didn't recognize the girl in the mirror before her. The hungover girl in the mirror looked like pure shit and that was still being pretty generous. Her once neatly curled hair was now a wild tumble on her head, a result of last night's sex. Her deep red lipstick was smeared and her mascara was smudged.

She blew out a large breath, shutting her eyes for a short moment. Licking her dry lips, she turned on the faucet before splashing her face with water. She managed to clean off the remaining makeup left on her face before beginning to fix her hair. Unfortunately, there were no hair brushes in the bathroom so she resorted to finger brushing her hair which didn't seem to make much of a difference.

She sighed, giving up before leaving the bathroom. As she walked out, she glanced over at Elio, who thankfully, was still sleeping.

She searched around for her heels which she found off to the other side of the room. She winced as she put them on, her toes still hurting from wearing them last night. Making a mental note to never wear stilettos again, she shakily stood up, praying that she wouldn't trip.

"Leaving so soon?"

She froze at the deep familiar voice who had said the words. His accent was even more evident in the morning and it seemed to have drawn a reaction from Thea as heat began to crawl up her neck.

Part of her wanted to just pretend she hadn't heard him and bolt towards the door; consequently avoid facing him, which had been her intent this whole time. He cleared his throat, waiting for her response and that was when she knew it was inevitable.

Slowly and dreadfully she turned around, forcing a smile on her face. Her heart seemed to skip a beat once she saw the man from last night. Elio was lying on one side, propped up on his elbows as he watched her with an almost bored look. Even still, he looked as ravishing as ever.

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