Chapter 21

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Two updates back to back? Yup. Happy reading. You guys will enjoy this chapter.


Stunned, Thea staggered backward, her body betraying her as it went limp, leaving her unable to do anything else.

Almost as if they had both sensed her, Elio and Catherine, locked in their intimate moment, finally noticed Thea standing in the doorway. Their expressions both changed, mirroring her own shock. The silence in the room was thick, and Thea, caught in a moment of revelation, could only stare in disbelief.

Despite her vision blurring, she was still able to make out the change in Elio's demeanor. He seemed horrified. Grasping onto what little strength she had left, she turned away, unable to witness any more.

Desperately trying to regain control of her legs, she stumbled down the hall and down the stairs back to the main event. She could hear him beginning to chase after her.

"Thea," He called out after her as she stormed off in a frenzy. She wasn't sure what direction she was going but she knew it just had to be as far away from him as possible.

She wasn't upset, was she? Why would she be? She had no reason to be upset; after all, they weren't dating or anything. Despite his numerous advances, she had always turned him down. Thus, she had no claim over him. He was free to do whatever he wanted, and she had no say in the matter.

Yet for some inexplicable reason, it seemed to drive her crazy. Why did it irk her so much to see him with someone else?

She veered through the crowd, trying to get as far away as she could. Despite her efforts, she heard him call out her name once more, indicating that he was getting closer. She lowered her head, hoping to avoid causing a scene, but his repeated shouts didn't help.

Why did she feel this way? Why did it bother her to see him with another woman, much less his ex-wife? And she was undeniably beautiful. Stunning, even. Face of a model, body of porn star, and the voice of an angel. Thea found herself scowling in envy. Who would willingly leave that?

"Thea, stop," he called out, his voice drawing closer, causing her heart to race even faster. Where was the damn exit? And could he stop fucking shouting?

Her head was a turmoil of emotions she wasn't ready to express, and the last thing she wanted to do was say something to him she didn't mean.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, murmuring small apologies to the people she occasionally bumped into. Suddenly, she was stopped and pulled back by a large hand gripping her shoulder. Yelping in response, she attempted to resist Elio's strength, but it was futile. Once again, she felt that familiar tug at her chest as she inhaled his scent.

She spun around to face him, taking a large step back. Being so close to him was unbearable. It was too... intoxicating. In his proximity, she found herself unable to think straight, and the effect he had on her was infuriating.

"What?" she snapped, the word emerging harsher than she intended. She couldn't hide her agitation. If she hadn't been paying such close attention to him, she might have missed it, but she noticed the wince at her tone.

"Look, that wasn't what you thought it was," he began to explain, his voice sincere, his body language apologetic. Thea stared up into his eyes with a blank expression, doing her best to ignore the attention they were attracting.

"I don't care," she muttered firmly. "Do what you want; it's none of my business."

He narrowed his eyes. As people began to lose interest, diverting their attention to each other and becoming engrossed in their conversations, she pressed her lips together, trying not to cause any further scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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