Chapter 15

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Gripping onto the sink, Thea stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had just finished one of the last sessions she had scheduled for today and had taken the time between sessions to use the bathroom.

Suddenly reminded of when she had walked in on Elio while he was showering, she immediately noticed the light red flush that had appeared on her cheeks as a result. The thought of his naked body that she had gotten a glimpse of this morning caused more heat to rush to her face. Biting into her bottom lip, she forced the thoughts into the back of her head. Turning on the water and splashing it in her face in hope of getting rid of the blush, she looked at herself in the mirror to find it had done nothing and her face was just as red as before.

She sighed, giving up. Her last appointment of the day was Elio, which was no surprise. Usually, she'd only recommend patients to come once a week but he had insisted on coming again today. She shuddered, recalling what had happened in her office yesterday. She was a professional, not just a whore who was desperate for an orgasm.

Images of Elio's face buried between her legs as she cried out from her orgasm filled her thoughts and she could feel her mouth become dry as filthy thoughts went through her head. His sharp jaw, his broad shoulders, his ravishing grin were seared into her brain. Heat rushed to her sex and she clenched her legs together.

Forcing herself to snap out of it, she rubbed her eyes, hoping that would get rid of the images in her mind. She wasn't normally like this. It was just that Elio... had an amazing tongue.

And an amazing cock, her head reminded her of the first time they had slept together. Get a grip Thea, she told herself.

After taking a couple of moments to take some deep breaths and gaining her composure back, she exited the bathroom to go back into her office. Opening the door, she walked in.

"Hello there, cookie." A deep voice greeted her and she let out a silent yelp in surprise before she immediately spun around to find Elio sitting there on the couch.

"How did you get in?" She demanded as the door shut behind her. By now, she'd think she would be used to his sudden surprise presence.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "The door was unlocked."

She glared at him, realizing that the door was left unlocked when she went to use the restroom. She glanced over to the clock, realizing that he was early. Letting out a sigh, she headed to the corner table and turned on the lamp. He watched as she then grabbed a few papers off her desk and walked to her usual seat, sitting down across from him.

As she had expected, he patted the empty seat on the couch next to him, suggesting for her to sit next to him yet again.

"Not today, Mr. Chambers." She quipped, shaking her head as she looked through her small pile of papers.

"Please?" He begged, his voice as high-pitched and as innocent as he could muster. She glanced up at him, raising a brow as she tried to hold back her laugh. He sounded ridiculous.

She shook her head again. "No." She repeated, firmer this time. "What happened yesterday cannot be repeated."

He made a pout as if he was a toddler who had just got their candy taken away. Thea held back her laugh and focused on the papers in front of her. After a moment after she had found what she was looking for, she set the stack of papers aside on the coffee table next to her.

"So," She began, focusing her gaze on him. "How are you feeling, Mr. Chambers?"

Usually, she was excellent at keeping eye contact with her patients but Elio was making it extremely... difficult. The way he was staring straight through her at the moment was becoming unnerving. It made her feel dirty and she secretly wanted to indulge in his fantasies.

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